Chapter 43

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Mick's pov
After the ambulance left I jumped in the car with the kids, Linda went in the ambulance with Jessica. This reminds me of the day Dean shot Jess, how could we be in the same situation again driving to the hospital not knowing whether or not my little girl is going to make it. We arrive at the hospital shortly after and find Linda sat in the waiting room. "Is there an news" I asked as we all sat down. "No they haven't said anything" "I'm sure she will be fine" Nancy says trying to assure everyone but I don't think it made much difference. Now all we have to do is wait.

Linda's pov
Why would she do this, I mean I know she was struggling after everything with Dean but she was getting better. I was starting to see my normal little girl again and now this. It's all my fault if I had been at home with her I would've have noticed her change in behaviour and we wouldn't be here now sat in a hospital waiting room waiting to see if she is still alive. What will we do if she's gone I'll never forgive myself for leaving them, what sort of parent goes swanning of on holiday and leaves their kids at home. I was brought out of my thoughts when the door opened and the doctor who was treating Jessica walked in. "Well how is she" mick asked as we all rose to our feet. "Please sit down" the doctor said while taking a seat. "I'm afraid because Jessica's brain was starved of oxygen so long she has sustained major brain damage and we've had to put her into an induced coma, unfortunately it is very unlikely that she will ever recover" "can we see her?" "Of course I'll send a nurse down to come and get you in a few minutes" "how long does she have" "I'm afraid it's hard to tell some people last a few months but others only last a few days, I would advise that anyone that wants to see her come as soon as possible" "thank you doctor". What were we going to do my little baby girl was going to die."I'm going to go ring Shirley" mick said while getting up to leave, "I'll go with you I need to ring my mum" I said while following him out the door. I couldn't stay there and look at the sadness in my kids eyes, your not supposed to out live your kids. You're supposed to die first. Mick and I go outside the front entrance and I ring my mum to tell her what's happened.
(L-Linda, E-Elaine)
L- hi mum
E- hiya linda everything alright
L- not really, Jessica's in hospital
E- oh my god what happened is she alright
L- she tried to kill herself, she's not going to make it
E- oh my god, I'll be there as soon as I can.
L- ok bye mum love you
E- love you to honey
When I got of the phone Mick had already finished talking to Shirley. "What are we going to do mick" I said while breaking down in his arms. "We'll get through this". After a few minutes we decided to go back in as the nurse would be coming to bring us down to Jessica. These next few days are going to be hard.

A/n hey guys sorry this took so long I've been super busy with school I am in my final year of school so I have a lot of projects and exams. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I will be finishing this book in the next few chapters. Let me know what you guys thought.
Danielle x

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