Christmas day part 2

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Nancy's pov

We were done getting things ready, we didn't have much to do we did most of it yesterday. All we had to do was set the table and get the bar ready so we didn't have to do it later. After getting things ready I went to get changed. I changed into my new checked shirt and a pair of jeans. My mum wanted me to wear something more pretty she says.

Lee's pov

After setting the table and getting the bar ready I went upstairs to get changed. I put a jumper and jeans on. My mum had bought me the jumper though I'm twenty one my mum still insists on buying us our Christmas clothes but saves me the hassle. About an hour after my mum and dad had brought Jessica to the hospital. They arrived home.

Jessica's pov

We finally arrived home from the hospital. I couldn't wait to get home and open the presents. I wasn't really looking forward to dinner my dad had invited Dean to dinner, when he asked him I could tell my mum wasn't impressed but she didn't say anything. We walked in to find the table set but no one in the pub, we went upstairs where my grandad Stan was sitting in the kitchen reading a paper that I suspect was yesterday's there was nowhere open to get a paper. He didn't seem to notice that we had even walked in. We went into the sitting room and found Lee, Nancy, Tina and Shirley. Shirley had disappeared early in the morning and eventually came home. "So what's the damage" Lee said "dislocated shoulder and broken arm, six weeks in a cast." My dad said as I sat down. After talking my mum, my dad and I went into our rooms to change into our Christmas clothes. I changed into a peach coloured dress that came to my knees, white knee high sock, leather jacket and black heeled boots. To be honest I didn't really wear the jacket I put it around me if I was cold. After everyone was changed we all went into the sitting room to open the presents. I was sitting on the couch but then some how ended up on the floor. I opened my presents first. I got an iPhone 5 from my mum and dad, perfume from Nancy, headphones from Lee, money from my grandad and Shirley, make up from Tina and converse from Johnny. He had all his presents bought before he went to Italy with Jon Luca. After everyone had opened presents we went downstairs to help aunt babe with the dinner, I don't know how much help I am but I can sit and give the other's orders.

Linda's pov

After we had given out the presents I had realised that Mick hadn't given me mine. "Aren't you forgetting something" I said to Mick as he went to walk out. "You want your present" "yes" "well you will have to wait" "what is it" "pop you gotta tell her she can't handle it". " no, patience ,my princess patience" . "Mick" "trust me L, this is going to be a Christmas your never going to forget". The kids, Shirley, Tina and aunt babe went downstairs to get things ready for dinner. I had Micks present that I wanted to give him when we were alone. "Mick come here" Mick walked in. I picked up the present and handed him it. "I wanted to give this to you when we were alone." He opened the present and was speechless. It was a baby's overall that had the west ham crest on it.

Micks pov

After opening the presents and after the kids had gone downstairs. I went into the kitchen to get a drink, when I heard Linda call me. I walked in and she handed me a present. I opened it and couldn't speak. It was a baby's overall that had the west ham crest on it. I couldn't wait to give Linda her present, I was going to ask her to marry me. I haven't told anyone, I wanted to tell Nancy or Jessica but I knew that Linda would get out of them so I kept it to myself, but I eventually had to tell Nancy so she could keep Linda downstairs.
Linda's pov

I was sitting at the bar writing the name cards for the dinner. Mick, Nancy and Lee were at the computer doing something. "Are we ready" mick said "ready for what" "someone wants to have a little chat with you" they turned the computer around and I saw Johnny." Merry Christmas mum" "Merry Christmas sausage" "I only came on to say Merry Christmas I have to go, I'll call when I can bye love you" "love you" "bye" everyone shouted.
Jessica's pov

I was sitting downstairs in the kitchen watching the others helping aunt babe with dinner, when I heard someone knock on the door. "I'll get it" I said while walking to the door. I opened the door and saw the one person I didn't want to see, my cousin Dean. "Hey, how's my favourite cousin" Dean said to me. I could tell by his breath he was drunk. I just ignored him and walked upstairs while he followed. "Dad, Dean is here" I said to my dad who was sitting in the kitchen . "ok" "he's so drunk" "ok, get out of here"

Mick's pov

I was sitting in the kitchen, when Jessica walked in with Dean behind her. "Dad, Dean is here" "ok" "he's so drunk" "ok, get out of here". Jessica left and I went into the sitting room with Dean. "I need your help, I'm going to ask Linda to marry me but I can't find the ring so I need you to help me look" "ok where are we looking" "in these boxes'' I said while pointing to some boxes sitting in the sitting room. We both sat down and started to look through the boxes. "I'm glad your here Dean". We continued to look in the boxes."why have you never wanted to marry Linda before" "I did, it's just the moments never been right and now it is baby on the way, all the family around she knows I love her" "you never been tempted to you know..." "don't be stupid, let me tell you something now that girl is a gift from the angels" "we've all got our demons, mick" "nah not L there is not one part of her" "you sure about that" "pass few months ain't been easy" "how do you mean" it's me and L, been a bit rocky, it's bit weird" "you serious" "for the first in my life I didn't know where her head was at, like I knew something was eating away at her, it's just I didn't know what it was and if I don't know what it is then we're in trouble" "that must have been tough" "yeh, it's harder for L though" "why's that" "she's not very good with secrets that whole baby thing, but new year around the corner we got a lot to look forward to, me and L we are going to be sweet". Dean picks up his glass and knocks the whole glass of brandey back. "Knocking it back a bit ain't yah" "it's Christmas" "who'd have taught our whole family sitting around a table together" "it means a lot to you doesn't it" "it means everything" "your one of us Dean and I couldn't imagine this family without you" "a gift from the angels you say" Dean said as he took the ring out the boxes. "You sexy little come here" I said while kissing him. "Get a shift on you two we're starving down here" Shirley said and left. I went into the my room and continued setting the room up, when Dean walked in. "Oh you have gone to a lot if effort" "well she's worth it isn't she" "I'll tell everyone downstairs to give you a while, you might want to seal the deal. Come on mate how can you resist when it's offered to you on a plate like that" "what'd you say" "you know Linda, those tight dresses" "you talk about L like that again, I'll put you asleep" "calm down it's a bit of banter" "go home, go and sober up, your drunk, go on"

Linda's pov

"Are we going to eat today babe" Shirley asked. "Just waiting on your heinous" "where's Dean sitting" Shirley asked. "He's not coming" I said. "What you talking about he's upstairs with mick, babe set him a place" "I need to see your dad" I said while going into the hall, to go into the stairs. When I met Dean.

Nancy's pov

I was supposed to keep my mum downstairs, but she ran upstairs. "Mum where are you going" "I need to see your dad". "Great right everyone grab a party popper, Lee you get some champagne" "what's going on" "dads going to propose to mum" "only 21 years late" Jessica said. (In this story Lee is twenty one , Nancy is nineteen, Johnny is eighteen and Jessica's fifteen)
Linda's pov

I went into the hall to go upstairs, when Dean walked down the stairs. "What did you say to him" "I didn't say anything, I didn't have to. I'm just going to let the guilt eat away at you" "you raped me " "I know I raped you, but if you tell anyone I'll just deny it"

Jessica's pov

After my mum left I went around to the side of the bar to grab my phone, when I heard my mum talking to Dean. I unlocked my phone and recorded the whole conversation on my phone. He admitted to raping her.

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