Chapter 14

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*A few weeks later                                                                                                                                                           Jessica's pov                                                                                                                                                              It's been about 2 weeks since my mum and dad left every time they ring they wont speak to me they say that the phone is dieing or some other stupid excuse. I have been back in school for two days, it's a Wednesday my least favourite day I have pe but because of my shoulder and arm I don't have to do it so that's a bit of a bonus. I finished putting my uniform on and putting my  stuff into my bag. I go into the kitchen and Nancy, Lee, Tina and Shirley were sitting eating. ''Morning'' I say as I walk in. ''Morning'' everyone says in response. ''Here'' Shirley hands me some toast. I eat quickly and grab my bag. ''I have to go I will be back for lunch I have a free period after lunch so'' ''I will  walk you to the bus stop'' Shirley said while grabbing her coat. I'm still not really talking to Shirley but I have to be civil for Nancy and Lee and to keep them of my back. I walked downstairs and put my jacket around me. We started walking to the bus stop. ''I know these past few weeks have been difficult for you'' ''yeh, no thanks to your son'' ''Jessica he didn't do anything'' ''are sure, how do you know?'' ''I don't but how do you know that your mother isn't lieing'' ''because I know my mum, she wouldn't do that'' ''yeh but she is the one that left you and your brother and sister for weeks'' ''look I don't want to get in a fight right now because to be honest I don't have the energy so I am going to leave and I suggest you turn around and walk away''. I could say that I couldn't believe that she was saying these things because I can believe she is saying these things. I got on the bus and went to school. 

Nancy's pov                                                                                                                                                                   My mum and dad have been gone for about 2 weeks they have been calling every now and again but every time Jess asks to speak to them but they make some excuse I don't what's going on with them. After Shirley moved back in Jessica wouldn't even speak to her but now she is at least being civil. I hope mum and dad will be back soon. Me and Lee went downstairs to set the bar up, when Tina and Shirley came down. ''I need you two to hand these out'' Tina said while handing me and Lee some leaflets, I read them, they say  we are having a ladies night tonight. ''I'm not sure about this'' I said looking up from the leaflets. ''We need more business'' ''fine''. We opened the pub up at the normal time and went to hand the leaflets out. We had to go back to the pub to get more leaflets, we went in and Dean was sitting at the bar with Granddad. '' He is not allowed to be here, get out'' ''at least let him finish his drink'' ''no Shirley you know he is not allowed to be here'' ''don't blame Shirley I invited him'' my granddad said. ''Make sure he is gone before we get back from and handing these out and more importantly before Jessica gets back for lunch''. Me and Lee went back out to hand more leaflets out. I got a message from Jessica. Hey Nancy I won't be back for lunch I have to stay for choir and I will be home late tonight. Text you later xx at least she won't know that Dean was in the pub. ok let me know when you are on your way back xx. We finished handing the leaflets out and went back into the pub. Dean was still sitting at the bar,''Jessica won't be home for lunch but you have to be gone before she get's home'' I didn't want him there but I decided to leave it for Granddad. I went back upstairs to get changed for the ladies night. We have a good crowd in the pub. I put my phone under the bar and didn't notice that Jessica had texted me and Dean was still in the pub and she arrived home. To say she was annoyed was an understatement. ''What the hell is he doing here'' ''everyone upstairs'' Shirley said. Me, Lee, Jessica, Shirley and Dean went upstairs. ''I will ask again, what the hell is he doing here''  ''he came to have a drink with granddad'' I said while trying to calm her down. ''Get out''  she screamed at Dean. '' Don't go anywhere you didn't do anything wrong. He is moving in'' Shirley said. Is she crazy. '' No way'' ''he is whether you like it or not'' ''fine then I am leaving'' Shirley can't let her leave she is only a kid. ''I don't want to cause any trouble'' Dean said. ''Good'' ''no you are staying'' ''then I am going''. Jessica walked out. ''Shirley you can't let her leave she is only a kid'' ''I don't care''. Shirley and Dean walked back down to the pub. I went to try and stop Jessica but she locked her door, So me and Lee decided to leave her and stop her from leaving the pub when she came down. 

Jessica's pov                                                                                                                                                           I didn't get home for lunch because I had to stay for choir and I had to stay after school as well. I texted Nancy to let her know that I was on the way home. Hi Nancy I am on the bus be home in like 10 minutes. I arrived back at the square and went in. When I went in Dean was sitting at the bar. How could Nancy and Lee let him come into the pub.''What the hell is he doing here'' ''everyone upstairs'' Shirley said. Me, Lee,Nancy, Shirley and Dean went upstairs. ''I will ask again, what the hell is he doing here''  ''he came to have a drink with granddad'' Nancy said. ''Get out'' I  screamed at Dean.'' Don't go anywhere you didn't do anything wrong. He is moving in''  Shirley said. Is she crazy. '' No way'' ''he is whether you like it or not'' ''fine then I am leaving''  ''I don't want to cause any trouble'' Dean said. ''Good'' ''no you are staying'' ''then I am going''. I walked out and went into my room. I locked my door and started to pack my things. I didn't know what I was going to do or where I was going to stay. I decided to ring my grandma Elaine and see if I could stay with her. Hi grandma. Hi Jess is everything ok. Not really can I stay with you. why?. Shirley is moving Dean in and I am not staying here while he is here. ok but just wait a bit I will text you. ok bye. bye. I finished packing my things and went downstairs. I sat on the stairs and waited to get a text from grandma Elaine. I was sitting on the stairs on my phone  when I heard someone say ''the party is over'' I know that voice.

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