Chapter 20

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Jessica's pov

After being in hospital for three weeks I am finally getting out. I had more surgery two days ago. I am know waiting for my mum and dad to arrive so the doctor can explain to us what I have to do and I what I can't do at home. Today I am wearing black leggings, a grey vest top with a lion on it, my wine hoodie that says 'I'd rather be sleeping', my black converse with daisys on them and I put my new Starbucks iPhone cover on my phone. (Outfit above). I decided to go on my phone while waiting for my mum and dad. After waiting for about twenty minutes my mum and dad eventually arrive. ''Hi baby sorry we're late the traffic was terrible'' my dad said while kissing me on the head. ''Its fine'' ''where's mum'' ''she is letting the doctor know we are here'' ''ok'' after a few minutes my mum came in. ''Hi jess'' ''hi mum'' just then the doctor walked in. ''Ms.carter I believe you are leaving us'' '' that's the plan'' ''right well there is a few things I need to talk to you about before you leave'' ''ok'' ''you will have to use crutches to get around I'm afraid they will help keep the pressure of your stitches'' ''for how long'' my mum asked ''initially only a few weeks but it might change when she gets her stitches out, but we won't worry about that unless it happens. Also you will be on a course of antibiotics because you have a small infection but it's nothing to serious you also have to take some painkillers. You need take these painkillers twice a day with food we would advice to take them with your breakfast and dinner, you need to take these painkillers three times a day and then the antibiotics three times a day with food. Do you have any questions'' ''the nurse said something about changing her dressings'' ''yes you will have to change the dressings every two days. I will just go and get some more dressings and show you how to change them''
Mick's pov
After the doctor told us everything about the medication Jessica had to take he went to get some dressings so he could show us how to change them. ''That's a lot of tablets'' Linda said. ''I'll be popping pills left right and centre'' Jessica said we all started laughing. ''Ahh, that hurts'' Jessica said while wincing in pain. I hated seeing her in pain, dean is lucky he was carted away by the police or he would've had me to answer to. After a few minutes the doctor came in. ''Who will be changing the dressings'' I looked over at Linda and she looked like she would pass out. ''I will be'' I said knowing Linda wouldn't be able to do it without being sick. '' I am just going to go get some air'' Linda said. I turned around while Jessica took her top of and covered herself so all I could see was where she had been shot. ''Firstly you are going to remove the old dressings, then you are going to wipe the area with an antiseptic wipe'' at this point Jessica was winching in pain. ''Then put the new dressing on its quite simple but if you notice any discolouration you need to bring her straight back'' ''ok'' ''would you like the one for her chest'' ''ok'' I did what the doctor said. ''There done'' ''perfect also when you need to take a shower put one of these on the dressings'' he said to Jessica while showing her a plaster thing. ''ok'' ''right so there is enough dressings in here for six weeks if you need more go and see your doctor. You have an appointment in six weeks. You also have enough tablets for
two weeks and then here is a prescription for more painkillers for when these ones run out. I will just go and get your crutches and discharge forms'' the doctor and came back in with her crutches and forms. I signed the forms and put everything into her bag. ''Ready'' ''as ready as I'll ever be'' she slowly stood up and got the crutches. I grabbed her bag and we left. We walked out of the hospital and found Linda outside. ''Everything ok'' ''yep'' Jessica answered. ''How about we go and get some ice cream before we go back to the square'' I suggested. ''Sure'' we got in the car and headed to an ice cream place. We arrived at the ice cream place I used to always bring Jessica when she was younger. We got out of car and went in. ''What would you like'' ''can I get a cone with a scope of bubblegum and a scope of Oreo'' "ok , Linda'' ''I'll have a cone with two scopes of strawberry''. Linda and Jessica got a table while I ordered the ice cream. ''Can I get three double scope cones'' ''yep what flavours would you like'' ''can I have one with one scope of bubblegum and one scope of Oreo'' ''ok'' after he finished that one he handed it to me. ''The next one'' ''can I have two scopes of strawberry'' while he was doing that one I brought Jessica's over to her. ''Here you go princess'' ''thanks dad'' I went back over and he handed me the other cone. ''And the last one'' ''can I get two scopes of chocolate'' while he was doing the last one I brought Linda's over to her.''Here baby'' ''thanks babe'' I went back over and he handed him me my cone and I paid. After paying I sat back down and we sat and talked while we ate.
Linda's pov
We have just finished at the ice cream place and we are heading back to the pub. What we haven't told Jessica is that while she was in hospital we did her room up. We arrived back at the pub and brought Jessica up to her room.
Jessica's pov
When we got back to the pub my mum and dad really wanted me to go up to my room. I don't know why but I gave in and went up. Everyone followed us up. What is going on.I opened the door and I couldn't believe it they have done my room up. ''Do you like it'' my mum asked ''I love it'' '' we all helped'' Tina said. ''Thank you, you guys'' ''group hug'' Nancy said and they all engulfed me in a hug. ''Ow guys I still have stitches here'' ''oh yeh sorry'' they all said. My walls were a light pink colour with white polka dots, my bed had beige bedding with the Eiffel tower on it, a light blue comforter with flowers on it, my bed was painted white, they had put some posters up which included a Paris poster, a poster that says internet kids never sleep, a poster with Olaf on it and two the fault in our stars posters. (Pictures of all the stuff above) I love my new room.

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