Boxing Day

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Jessica's pov                                                                                                                                                   I woke up and looked at my phone it was 9 o'clock. I didn't really sleep much last night, I lay awake for hours. I got out of bed and got changed into navy skinny jeans, a pink top and a grey hollister hoodie. I walked into the kitchen and found Tina and my Granddad. "Tina could  you tie my hair up for me" "sure" she said and I handed her my hairbrush and bobbin. "What happened to your face" "oh yeah that I got hit by some of the glass last night". I got up and went downstairs. I went into the bar and found my dad staring at his phone. I sat down in front of him. "Dad you know if you stare at it, it wont ring" he looked up at me, he looked so sad and lost, I hate seeing him like this. "Dad you just have to give her time, if you go and change. I will try ring her and grandma Elaine" he didn't budge. I got up and left. I went into the hall and Tina and Nancy were sitting on  the stairs and Lee was sitting on the chair beside the door. I sat on the stairs and my granddad went to try talk to dad. 

Tina's pov

Jessica came into the hall after trying to persuade Mick to change and not stare at his phone but it was no use. She looked exhausted, she was putting on a brave face but I could see in her eyes she was just a sad and scared little girl. She doesn't deserve any of this, none of them do. I didn't know who to believe Dean or Linda but I decided I wouldn't take sides. 

Lee's pov
I know Jessica knows why dad beat Dean up, smashed up the bar and why mum left but she wouldn't tell us.  I could tell she was scared but she won't say anything. "Jess please just tell us what's going on" "I don't know I told you" "Did mum have an affair" Nancy asked. "No" Just then dad called us in.

Mick's pov
   I can't believe she left me, I kept trying to ring her but she wouldn't answer. I was sitting staring at my phone when Jessica walked in and sat in front of me. "Dad you know if you stare at it, it won't ring" I looked up at her and then back to the phone. "Dad you just need to give her timeif you go and change I will try ring her and grandma Elaine". I had to stay by my phone. She got up and left then my dad came in and started talking but I didn't listen then my phone started to ring. I answered without even checking who it was. 

(E for Elaine and M for Mick)                                 M- hello  

E- Hi Mick                                                                  M- Elaine I taught you were in Spain                 E- I got home early.  I have Linda with me we are on our way back to the square.            M- Put her on                                                            E- She doesn't want to talk. Are you at the vic?                                                                               M- Yes I'm at the vic right now.

E- We are on our way.                                                                                 

I hung up and called the kids. "Kids come here" They walked in with Tina following. "Your mother is coming home, we need to clean up." We all started to cleaning. 

Jessica's pov                                                                                                                                                           After dad called us in we went into the bar. "Your mother is coming home, we need to clean up". We started to clean I tried my best to help but I couldn't do much with one hand. I went outside and sat down. I was happy that my mum was coming back but I don't  think things will ever be the same. I decided to go back in and try help again. My mum arrived with grandma Elaine, she didn't say anything. She walked in looked around and left about ten minutes later my dad and grandma Elaine left. 

Linda's pov                                                                                                                                                               My mum persuaded me to come back. We arrived back at the square and Mick came out of the pub. "L I missed you". We walked into the pub and it was a mess. Glass everywhere. I looked at my three beautiful kids and noticed the plasters on Jessica's face. She was putting on a brave face but behind the smile I knew she was hurting and scared. She shouldn't have to deal with this she is only 15 years old. I walked back out and met Sharon and she invited me in. We were talking when my mum and Mick arrived. Mick came in and sat down beside me, while my mum stayed in the kitchen with Sharon. "Linda I am so sorry for telling everyone it just slipped out"  "I know I just need time" "I will give you all the time you need. Do you forgive me" "Yes" Mick gave me a hug and kiss. My mum and Sharon walked in. "Linda what's going on" my mum asked. "Mum just leave it" "no I am your mother you have to tell me" "mum please" "it's to do with that Dean" "Linda" Sharon said with a concerned look. "He...... he....... he raped me" "what I'm going to kill him" my mum said. "No you're not that wont change anything" "Linda you have to report him" Sharon said. "No I don't want the kids to know, Jessica knows but I don't want anyone else to know." My mum got up and gave me a hug. "Call me if you need me" "thanks mum" she gave Mick a hug and left. Me and Mick decided to go I gave Sharon a hug and left. We walked back to the pub but I couldn't go in. "Mick I can't do this, take me away" "it's ok". He took my hand. "Mick please" he walked to the car and opened the door. We both got in "we can go where ever you want" 

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