Chapter 16 part 1

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Jessica's pov

I wake up to my alarm going of. I got out of bed and put my uniform on. I left my hair down and grabbed my bag. I went into the kitchen and sat down. The atmosphere was low and depressing. My mum and dad were exchanging looks and Nancy and Lee looked angry. I grabbed a bowl and poured some cereal out. I was eating when Nancy broke the silence. ''Why did you leave. You never actually told us'' my mum and dad exchanged more looks. ''Dean kissed your mum and then started spreading rumours, thats why I bet him up. Your mum wanted to get away from people talking'' ''why won't you just tell us the truth'' ''we are'' why won't they just tell them I can't keep the secret anymore. I stand up ''I'm going to school'' I say and walk out. ''Its your dads birthday'' ''and it still will be when I get home'' I leave the pub and walk to the bus stop. I am still not talking to my mum and dad even though they explained everything but I am still annoyed. I get on the bus and put my headphones.

Linda's pov

Today is Mick's birthday but the kids aren't talking to us well other than Johnny. Jessica is still annoyed that we left and Lee and Nancy still want answers. I have decided that tomorrow I will tell the kids and go to the police station. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen and made some breakfast for the kids and Mick. Everyone came in and sat down. The atmosphere was low and depressing. Eventually Nancy broke the silence '' why did you leave you never actually told us'' ''Dean kissed your mum and then started spreading rumours, thats why I bet him up. Your mum wanted to get away from people talking'' ''why won't you just tell us the truth'' ''we are''. Jessica got up ''I'm going to school'' she said and left ''it's your dad's birthday'' ''and it still will be when I get home'' she left and then Nancy and Lee left. ''What are we going to do'' ''I don't know'' ''none of our kids other than Johnny are talking to us and the only reason Johnny is taking to us is because he doesn't know what's going on.'' ''We only have to do it for one more day and once we tell Nancy and Lee they will forgive us'' ''what about Jessica'' ''well she's stubborn like her mother she will eventually come round'' ''I suppose. I love you Mick Carter'' ''I love you to Linda Carter''

Mick's pov

''Nance could you put a lead on lady di'' ''ok'' I got my jacket on and went for a walk with Nancy ''how was Jessica while we were away'' a handful she just went to school and stayed in her room. I think she is having problems in school'' ''what do you mean'' ''after you left she was quiet but she would still talk to us and come down to the bar but when she started back in school she didn't talk at all and she was always in her room. One day she came home with a black eye she said she got hit with a ball in pe and then a week later she came home with a split lip she said she got hit with a door and then she was reaching up to get something and her top went up a bit and she had loads of bruises on her stomach'' ''why didn't you say anything'' ''when I confronted her about it she said that nothing was happening I didn't know what to do I was trying to run the pub and keep Dean away from Jessica and the pub I was struggling to keep everything going'' ''I'm sorry it's not your fault let's go back to the pub''

Jessica's pov

When I went back to school I started getting bullied at first it was just verbal but then they started hitting me. Nancy started to cop on but I told her everything was fine and that nothing was happening she left it but now that my mum and dad are back I don't know what will happen. I waslked into school and found my friends we were talking when I had to go to the bathroom. ''I'll be back in a minute'' when I walked into the bathroom the girls that are bullying me were in there. I went to turn around and walk back out when they grabbed me by the arm. They pushed me and I feel to the ground they started kicking me. The bell went and they ran of. I lifted my shirt up and it was my stomach was bruised it hurt to move. I grabbed my bag and went to class.

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