Are You Freaking Kidding Me?!?!

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The Cullen's Living Room
Bella's POV...
As Edward and I arrive at the house.  The family gather around me.  I begin to speak.

Bella:  "You all know what Edward wants.  And you know what I want.  But I won't force myself on you."

The house has been restored to its original warmth and beauty.  Edward sits off to the side as Bella addresses them.

Bella:  "I think the only fair way to handle this is by vote-"
Edward: *cut his girlfriend off*  "You can't be serious-"
Bella: *stern*  "This is my meeting, Edward."

Edward was frustrated, sit back.  I faced the family again.

Bella:  "However this turns out, I'm letting the Volturi hurt you.  I'll go back to Italy alone-"
Emmett: *smirk*  "The hell you will.  I'm not missing another fight."

He has determination in his eyes.

Bella: *shake her head*  "That's not up for a vote, Emmett.  I don't want you involved."
Esme: *smile at Bella*  "We've always been involved, honey, and we're not going to stop-"
Bella: *cut her off*  "No, please.  I want you to seriously think about this.  If I join you, you'll be stuck with me for a long time - forever.  It's a huge decision.  And I want - I need your honestly here."

The Cullens nod their heads or otherwise communicate agreement.

Bella: *sigh*  "Then let's take a vote...  Alice?"
Alice: *smile big*  "Like you're not already my sister.  Of course, yes!" *jump up and hug Bella*

I smile as I hug her back.  Jasper stand up, but he keep his distance from me.  Considering what happen on my birthday.

Jasper:  "I vote yes.  It'll be a relief not to want to kill you."

I look at him confused as why he would said that, but I get it.

Bella: *question*  "Um...  Thanks?  Okay, Rosalie?"

As I stared at the blonde vampire who don't like me at all since one day.
Rosalie look torn as she looked at Edward who's stony toward her.

Rosalie: *look at her brother*  "Edward, I'm sorry for what I did.  I really am.  And I know you're not ready to forgive me..." *look at Bella*  "But this isn't the life I'd have chosen for myself.  I wish there'd been someone to vote no for me..." *glance at Carlisle*  "So, no."

I didn't give a reaction on her response.
Emmett was quick to pick me up into a hug and spin me around.  Once she was place onto the ground, he smile brightly.

Emmett: *smile*  "I vote hell yeah.  We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way."
Esme *approaches Bella*  "I already think of you as part of the family." *give Bella another hug*  "Yes."
Bella: *nod with a smile*  "Thank you, Esme."

Carlisle moved closer to Edward and I as he stated his explanation.

Carlisle:  "Edward..."
Edward: *shake his head, almost in pain*  "You can't go along with this, Carlisle, you know what this means..."
Carlisle:  "You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice.  I won't lose my son." *turn to look at Bella*  "But Alice has never changed anyone, it'd be safer if I did it.."

He cut short when Edward suddenly left the living room.  I sighed before looking towards the Cullens.

Bella: *smile small*  "Thank you, Thank you all."

I follow Edward into his sliver Volvo to take me home before Charlie wake up for work.  It was awkward quiet ride home.  Edward broke the silence by asking this.

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