My Niece is Not Bait!!!

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Marnie's POV...
Jared: "Excellent! If the redhead is after Bella, we have bait" *smile*

We had just got back Emily and Sam's cottage and explain to the pack — well, really Bella did. She and I were still a nervous wreck, because even though Laurent was gone and taken care of, his little friend was still very much alive. She had no idea about me or my brother, I was worried about my niece's safety. Jacob states it's a possibly of the vampire is after me and my brother since we're related to Bella.

Marnie: *snap* "We're not using my niece as bait." *glare at him*

Jacob hold me behind and kiss my cheek and my shoulder to have me relax. Jared did not suggest that. He is stupid if he think I'm going to let my niece to bait for this vampire. Jared held up his hands in mock surrender.

Bella: *muttered* "I should leave town."

Is my niece joking? Please tell me she's joking.

Marnie: "That's a terrible idea."
Sam: *nod his head* "Marnie is right. Victoria will follow you and make it harder for us to catch her."
Bella: "No one can catch her." *shook her head* "She can escape anything."
Jared: *sneered sarcastically* "Ooo, she has special powers."
Bella: "Some of them do..."

I flitch as I remember the little bit of information when she first explained vampires to me. Apparently, there were three members in the Cullen had special powers; Edward being one of them. My eyes widen as I remember which power Edward has. Mind reading great my thoughts are not as private as I thought.

Jacob: "Like what?" *rub my shoulders and kiss my temple*

Bella shied away from all the stares, as she realized she shouldn't have said that little secret.

Jared: "The mind reader you said you know? He was a bloodsucker? Can they all do that?"

I looked down at Bella wondering when she mentioned about Edward being a mind reader. I guess I wasn't paid attention while I was hugging Jacob earlier.

Embry: "That would suck."
Bella: *shook her head* "No, I shouldn't have- no."
Paul: *growl* "She's still protecting them."
Jared: *roll his eyes* "I don't know why. It's not like they stuck around to protect you."
Jacob: *snap* "Guys, lay off." *hold me tighter*

I place my hand on Bella's shoulder in comfort, but I knew the comment Jared made hurt my niece. She just shrunk away from everyone's stares, while Sam explained game plans to the group. Trying to get the spotlight off Bella.

Paul was giving me glances as he pay attention to Sam. Jacob notice the glances and give him glares. Paul give a suggestion that Bella and I should hang out more in the Rez now they know about Victoria. The reason being the pack can protect us better if Bella and I are in the Rez.  I cringe since Paul want me to leave my boyfriend for him still after the imprint happen.

I need to come to Rez on Jacob's days off. I will remind him when we're alone. I told the pack I will bake something as a thank you to save Bella and I from Laurent. I notice Paul give me a wink. I roll my eyes once Bella and I are ready to go home. Jacob decide to take us home before going on to patrol. Paul yell out to me

Paul: "Bye gorgeous."

I glared at him as I walk away to Bella's truck. Jacob decide to drive with me in the middle and Bella in passenger seat. Jacob's arm around my shoulder while he's driving. We made to the driveway. I have so many questions: why is this happening? Like I don't get it. I have to deal with vampires because of Victoria being psycho who after my niece. Now I have a pack of wolves because I love Jacob and he's my soulmate. I wasn't sure how much more my brain can handle any more supernatural.

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