I'll Be There For You

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Leah's POV...
My dad is a wonderful man. He's a good husband to my mom and a good dad to me and my little brother Seth. I'm angry at my ex-fiancé Sam and my cousin Emily being together, me turning into the first she wolf ever. Now my dad passed away from a vampire attack who after one of my best friend's niece.

I'm grateful for Marnie since day one when I met her at that dinner party. She came by with tacos, rice, beans, and churros made for my family along with Jacob. She's the best at that: cheering me up. I'm happy Jacob letting me hang out with her. She always there for me since day one and the fact she let me hang out with her and her friends as well.

My mom is happy with me spending some time with Marnie.  Seth has admire Jacob and hope he has a beautiful girl like Marnie one day.  I hope imprinting find me my true love like Jacob and Marnie.  I swear they are like a couple that haven't see each other for weeks which it's only a couple hours.  I roll my eyes how cute they are.  Everybody adore them since they are going get marry one day.  I know I'll be there as a bridesmaid or maybe maid of honor.  Who knows?

Marnie:  "Hey how are you feeling?"

We are at my house, Marnie sitting on Jacob's lap who sitting in a couch.  He keep kissing her neck, cheek, and temple.  I know he misses Marnie during his patrol slot but damn.

Leah:  "A little better now I know what really happen to dad, and the fact it's the imprint happen, I'm still upset about it."
Marnie:  "Think about it this way... if you and Sam would of got married and the imprint happen the way it did.  If Sam didn't pursue it until after the fact you're married, it'll hurt you even more if you would found out when it happen."

I hate when Marnie is right and has a point.  I would never forgive Sam and Emily if it would happen in the future.  I would of be the bitter ex wife instead of ex fiancée.  I just wish Sam would been just honest with me back then, I wouldn't be as mad as I was at first.  Then again I wouldn't know until I become an imprint or a she wolf.

Leah: *sigh*  "I hate when you're right." *smile at Marnie*
Marnie: *smile sadly*  "I know I rather tell you the truth than spare your feelings."
Leah:  "This is exactly why you're my best friend."
Jacob:  "Yeah yeah best friends." *look at Marnie*  "Can we go back to making out now?"

I roll my eyes I swear Jacob is more clingy than before.  Marnie doesn't mind it... sometimes.  She rather let him be than having arguments over it.  I don't blame her since the anger in us wolves is unbearable.  I was pissed when I found out Marnie almost got bit by a vampire. I know my best friend get anxious or even flinch whenever a vampire mentions. Marnie is a kind of person who appreciate us wolves doing their jobs and not having arguments with us.

Well except for Paul. She told me what happen every time she's near Paul. He would stare at her, calling her beautiful/gorgeous, trying to talk to her. Marnie believe Paul want her to leave Jacob for him despite the imprint won't let it happen. At first I despite imprint because of my ex fiancé and my cousin I would of agree with Paul. Now I see Jacob and Marnie being together before the imprint happen. I can see the love for each other amplifies since the imprint happen.

Jacob told everyone he wouldn't break up his relationship with Marnie even if he imprint on someone else.  Of course that made me feel jealous like why can't Sam be that strong to ignore the imprint like Jacob would.  I would ask Marnie about what happen to her niece and she told me.  My face response like WTF face.  Jacob laugh at my facial expression.

Leah:  "What the f*, did your niece at least apologize?  I know besides helping me you two practically are there for her."
Jacob: *roll his eyes*  "Bella basically give Marnie a pity apology."

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