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Third POV...
Marnie smile big as Jacob ask her the big question.  She cup his face and kiss him softy.  Jacob kiss her back just as soft.  Marnie pull away smiling.

Marnie: *smile*  "Yes."
Jacob: *surprise*  "Wait what?"
Marnie: *giggling*  "Yes Jacob I'd love to be your girlfriend."

Jacob smile big, pick Marnie up, and twirl us around.  As soon he stop, he kiss his first girlfriend for the third time tonight.  Little the teenagers know, Charlie look in the window shaking his head smiling and chuckles.  Charlie was hoping that Jacob and Bella would date, but he realize that dream is dead when he notice the way Jacob look at Marnie.  He's happy for his little sister and his best friend's son.  The teenagers pull away once more.

Jacob: *whisper*  "I better go before I get in trouble with your brother."
Marnie: *nod her head and whisper*  "Make sure to call or text me when you get home."
Jacob: *smile whispering*  "Of course I don't want my girlfriend to worry about me."

Marnie blushing as Jacob put her down.  He peck her lips once more.

Jacob: *whisper*  "Night baby." *peck his girlfriend again*
Marnie: *peck his lips*  "Good night babe."

Jacob finally walk back to his car as Marnie walk back inside the house.  Marnie close the door and slide down sigh happily.  Charlie chuckles shaking his head as he witness this scene.  Jacob get in his car smiling big and throw his fist in the air.  Both Jacob and Marnie are happy to be exclusively boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Best first date ever. 
Best first kiss ever. 
Best day ever.

Then a scream occur in the Swan's household.  Both brother and sister ran to the source of the scream.  They notice it came from Bella's bedroom.  Bella having nightmares ever since the Cullens left.  Charlie and Marnie have been comforting her every night.  They both hope this depression will stop soon.

Jacob's POV...
Yes!!!!  I actually have a girlfriend who is beautiful, smart, funny, sweet.  Marnie is everything I want in a girl and more.  I can't believe it, I finally have a girlfriend.  I didn't expect it at all.  My first girlfriend.  Marnie is my first everything so far: my first hand holding, my first date, my first kiss, my first girlfriend.  I'm on my way home from the Swan's house.  I'm in complete bliss, this is the best day ever.  Nothing and nobody can ruin this moment for me. 

I arrived at my house feeling so happy and smiling.  I got out of the car and lock the Rabbit.  I'm happy my car survived through the night.  It will be completely embarrassing if the car stop for some reason.  I'm glad the date went better than I expected.  I didn't think I get a kiss and Marnie being my girlfriend.  I get inside the house, I notice my dad is still awake.  Probably waiting for me to ease his mind or something.

Billy: *turn and notice Jacob's smiling*  "Good date son?"
Jacob: *smile and blushing*  "The best dad."
Billy: *smile*  "Oh what did you two do?"

I told him everything that happened tonight.  Including our three first kisses and her accepting me as her boyfriend.  I feel I can accomplish anything I want to do thank to my girlfriend.  Man I miss her so much and I just I saw her.  Oh which remind me I have to call her now. 

I told my dad I'm going to call Marnie and go to bed.  We say our goodnights and went to our bedrooms.  I dial my girlfriend number which I should put her number on one of my speed dials.  I listen the rings and I hear the most angelic voice.

Meet Your Sister, CharlieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя