Our First Valentine's Day: Special

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Jacob's POV...
Today is Valentine's Day. Marnie and mine's first together. My present for Marnie is not done just yet since I didn't have time to burn a CD or borrow her iPod to sync. I'm going to have to give both of them to her one day.

Right now I'm in a flower shop to get Marnie's favorite set of roses: yellow with red tips roses. I paid the owner before I get to Forks High before school starts. I also plan a date since it have a while since we went on one.

I know Marnie was busy with cheerleading practice and baking: brownies, cupcakes, and cake pops. She decide to start a small business with her baking. Luckily for me I test tasted every single one. They're delicious with Marnie's kisses on the side.

I arrived at school with the roses. I walk towards the crowds. Marnie is passing around brownies for her friends. Bella notice me, smile a little, and wave. She's getting there, but she still miss that guy who left her in the woods. I hold Marnie's waist behind with one arm while a bouquet of roses behind my back. She gasp and turn around to see me.

Marnie: *smile* "Jay! Hi baby." *hug me*
Jacob: *lift her up with his both arms and twirl around*

As I put her down, everyone was staring at us in awe or envy. Can't blame them my baby is gorgeous in her red dress, denim jacket, hair curl, and brown cowboy boots. She probably have them from Texas.

Jacob: *kiss her cheek* "Hey gorgeous. You look beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day baby." *turn his forearm behind his back to show his gift to his girlfriend*
Marnie: *gasp at the bouquet* "Oh my baby they're beautiful." *smell them* "Thank you." *kiss him*

Jacob: *kiss her back*
Marnie: *pull away to whisper* "Happy Valentine's Day sweetie." *show him a bag of brownies for him*
Jacob: *chuckles* "Thank you babygirl. I know they're going to be delicious." *cup her face to kiss her*
Caila and Diamond: "Awwww!"
Bella: *smile big for her best friend and aunt*

The girls surround us were in awe or jealous of my girl. The guys were jealous of me since I got my girl who is the most beautiful, sweet, and perfect.

Marnie: *pull away* "Do we have any plans tonight or this weekend babe?"
Jacob: *smile at her holding her* "Well I have a dinner date for us planned for tonight. Since you told me you're going to spend the weekend at Caila's for her birthday." *remember something* "Oh speaking of which..." *grab a white daisy from my bouquet and hand it to Caila* "Happy Birthday Caila!"

Caila: *smile at him and take it* "Thank you Jacob."
Jacob: *take 3 heart candy boxes out of his pocket* "These are for Bella, Caila, and Diamond." *hand a box to each girl*
Bella: *laugh* "Thanks Jake. Great minds think alike." *hand him the same box*
Jacob: *laugh and take the box* "Thanks Bells."
Caila: *smile* "Thanks again Jake."
Diamond: *chuckles* "Thanks dude."

Jake smile and look at his precious girl. The reason he awake in the mornings, he smile as he's thinking about her, he's starting to fall in love with Marleni Olivia Swan. The girl who show up in his life in a perfect time. He want to tell Marnie he love her tonight.

The school bell rings for class. I notice other students starting to go inside the school. I look at my girl start to pout since I gotta go to my school. I never like to leave my Marnie.

Jacob: *coo and stroke her cheek* "I know baby I don't want to leave you either. I better get to school, but we still have tonight my snow bunny. Besides I have to get everything ready for tonight. It's going to be perfect just like you." *kiss Marnie's nose*
Marnie: *giggles smiling and nod her head* "Okay, I'll text you during lunch."

I nod my head and give her a hug and kiss.  I wave to Bella since she and Marnie walk to class together.  She wave back to me.  Marnie start to blush since she's just remember something.  She grab 3 more bags of brownies and cookies.  She walk towards me.

Meet Your Sister, CharlieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora