And You Think This Plan Would of Work

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Monday morning
Forks High
Marnie's POV...
I carpooled with Diamond to school which I'm grateful because I refuse to ride with wannabe boy band member and Bella.  Jacob called me frustrated on Saturday.  Here's what happened: The pack and the Cullens were chasing Victoria while she jumped between the treaty line figure each group couldn't cross. 

Of course Paul and Emmett fought each other instead focusing on Victoria like they should.  So stupid... I bet my niece doesn't even know about Victoria being back to get her.  I was talking to my friends about my birthday and what I want.  I rarely ask for much since Hildi and Charlie provide for me and Jacob spoiled me anyway he can. 

I heard a motorcycle engine go off and I smile since I know who is the driver.  I turn around, squeal, and run towards my boo, Jacob.  He smile big as well and has his arms spread for a hug.  I jump and hug as he twirl us around holding my waist.  He put me down starting to kiss me as I kiss him back messing with his hair.  He moan softly as he hold my waist tightly.  We pull away since we need air to breathe.

Jacob:  "Hm hey baby." *kiss her and look at her outfit*  "God damn looking sexy mama." *kissing my neck*

I giggle as he want to give me hickey showing the guys who I belong to.  Typical Alpha...

Marnie: *giggle*  "No hickeys baby, I thought you're here on a mission."
Jacob: *pull away*  "Technically I am, but you here looking so sexy may cause a distraction." *smirk*
Marnie: *roll her eyes and push him playfully*  "Oh whatever and you can thank Hildi for this little number." *give him a twirl*

Jacob bite his bottom lip as he stare at me wearing my new outfit.

Jacob:  "Oh I'm definitely thanking her once I see more outfits like this." *wrinkle his nose*
Marnie: *notice his nose, turn her head to see a sliver Volvo, and shake her head*  "I gotta go huh?"
Jacob: *shake his head*  "No baby you don't have to, I want you by my side.  I'll feel better if you're close by me."

I nod my head as I can tell his anger slowly showing.  I took his hand and caress it with my thumb.  He sigh, remain calm for me, and kiss my temple as a thank you.
Jacob and I walk towards the wannabe boy band member and my niece to send the message to the stupid.

Bella: "Hey..."
Jacob: "Charlie and Marnie told me you were out of town."
Bella: "Yeah. To visit my mom. Why?"

Edward chuckles. I roll my eyes he's going to say something retarded.

Edward: "He wanted to check if you're still human."

My jaw drop. The nerve of the stupid like he wants to trigger Jacob.

Jacob:  "Just here to send out a message.  If your kind ever step on our land again.."
Bella:  "Wait... what?"

Jacob and mine's eyes widen.  Oh heck he didn't tell my niece a thing.  I knew he's stupid, but not that stupid.

Jacob:  "You didn't tell her.  At least I have the decency to tell my girlfriend everything."
Edward: "Just leave it alone Jacob."
Bella: *look between Jacob and Edward*  "Tell me what?"
Edward:  "Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there is nothing to worry about."

I scoff as I look around to notice the other kids might be thinking it's a fight.  Yeah not going worry about them at the moment while my boyfriend might phase out to a wolf.

Jacob: *scoff*  "Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town?"
Edward: "You should leave. Now!"

I scoff as Jacob squeeze my hand lightly as I want to yell at the stupid.

Jacob: "Bella has a right to know. Don't you remember a certain someone want Bella dead?" *nod towards Bella*
Bella: *eyes widen and look at Edward* "Victoria? Alice's vision..."
Edward: "I was trying to protect you."
Bella and Marnie: "By lying to me/her!"

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