The Wolf's Outta of the Bag! Really?

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Bella's POV...
I woke up early and get ready to go to Jacob's house. Wolves; Jacob and the others are wolves. They are the ones after those people. I drove fast as I could to Jacob's.

I hope Marnie is okay with Jacob being a wolf. I got off the truck to knock at the Black's door. Billy answer the door. He seem stressed, but I need to see Jacob and make sure Marnie is okay.

Billy: "Bella..." *looking slightly confused*
Bella: "I need to see him."
Billy: "He's not here."

I know he's lying to me.

Bella:  "Look, I'm sorry, I really need to see him." *walk passed him to get inside*
Billy:  "Bella..."
Marnie: *turn off the stovetop as the eggs are finished to see what's going on*  "Bella what are you doing?" *went after her niece*

Bella is already at Jacob's bedroom door.  I opened it, but immediately stopped when I saw Jacob completely passed out in his bed as Marnie came beside me.

An animal call was heard from outside, we both looked and saw the guys approaching the house.  I ran outside and began charging my way towards these guys with Marnie chasing after me.

Marnie: *eye widen cried*  "Bella, Bella wait!"

I ignore my aunt once I get closer to the leader of it all.

Bella: *demand*  "What do you do?"

Once the boys stop and look at me

Bella: *repeating while shoving Sam as hard as she could*  "What did you do?  What did you do to him?"
Sam:  "Easy.." *order*

The others got defensive as Bella shove Sam.

Bella: *cried*  "He didn't want this."
Paul: *snap*  "What did we do?  What did he do, hmmm?  What'd he tell you?"
Sam: *order grabbing Paul's forearm to keep him back*  "Both of you calm down."
Marnie: *run to catch up with them*  "Bella, let's go back inside I made breakfast." *trying to pull Bella away*

I notice Paul's eyes light up as he see my aunt.  God he still obsessed with her.

Bella:  "Nothing.  He tell me nothing because he's scared of you."

Marnie just face palm while rubbing her temples.
The boys excluded Sam started laughing at me.  Paul was the one mainly laughing so I shot forward and slapped him right across the face.  Paul's face morphed into pure rage and began to shake uncontrollably.

Marnie: *sigh and close her eyes*  "Oh no..." *grab Bella's arm to pull her away*
Jared: *laugh*  "Too late now."
Marnie:  "Shut up..." *glare at Jared*
Sam: *order*  "Marnie, Bella, get back!"

Paul begin to growl.

Sam:  "Paul! Calm down now."

Paul didn't listen and he shifted into a huge grey wolf.  He snarled at us, more at me than my aunt since his crush on her.  Marnie pull me away from Paul get closer to us. 

Paul just got angrier once he notice his crush is getting away from him.  Bella begin to leave Marnie's side and run just as Jacob came sprinting out of the house.  Marnie take steps back away from Paul.

Jacob:  "Marnie! Bella!" *notice his girlfriend's position and growl*  "Marnie!"
Bella: *cried*  "Run!  Jake, run!"

Bella tripped on thin air and fell to the ground just as Jake leapt over her.  He shifted into his rustic brown wolf and snarled at Paul.  Marnie was now left standing next to one of two giant snarling wolves. 

Jake and Paul snarled at each other one last time before they charged at each other, colliding with snapping jaws and ferocious growls.  They tried to bite each other.  Marnie watch with worried eyes with her hands covered her mouth as they fought.  Bella just watched the two scrapping wolves in shock.

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