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Reaching the Media Club's room, i plopped down on the couch and started going through the photos i took of the football and basketball players. Ill most probably be submitting the pink and brunette head's photos for the football team and another two from the basketball team.

"So Hyuck, who's this pink head?" I asked, looking through the photos i took of him. I looked up when i heard silence only to find that everyone in the room is looking at me with a shocked face.

"How can you not know the Mark Lee?" Donghyuck exclaimed, astonished that i dont know who Mark Lee was. I only shrug at him. "He was known for his first solo guitar performance during his sophomore year, in fact every year but he gained popularity when he did that solo performance"

I suddenly recalled witnessing a solo guitar performance during freshman year. A sophomore with brown hair was playing an acoustic guitar on stage and everyone was amazed by his guitar skills.

"Oh him" i muttered. I never see him after that so i guess thats the reason for forgetting about the pink head. Maybe the hair too.

"Not only that. Aside from his lack of attendance in school, he aces every exam and to top it all, he's the Football team's captain. Basically the ' perfect ' guy every girl wants"


"If only youre that filled on information of other subjects" Jeno sighed after a moment of silence of me trying to process everything Donghyuck had said.

Donghyuck pouts at Jeno's comment, the others agreeing before laughing.


I want to think that thatll be the last time ill be seeing him but oh boy i thought wrong. Not only do i see the pink head more often meaning after class and during lunch period, Jeno and Jisung wont stop teasing me about him.

Alright, i must admit, i may have asked Donghyuck more information about the older which resulted with him teasing me as well. I guess i just couldnt help the curiosity that was irking at me for the pink head.

"Nana, Taeil's restaurant?" Jeno asks as i packed my bag. School has ended and im starving.

As i was about to answer, Donghyuck came to our table. "Sure!"

Jeno raised a brow at him. "And who in hell invited you?"

Donghyuck shrugged. "Me, thanks. Plus Renjun and Jisung are coming as well. Oh and Mark too" he grinned at me.

I paused when i heard his name. He's probably outside the classroom right now isnt he?

As we exited the classroom, my guess was right. There the pink head was, leaning his back against the wall next to the door. He was scrolling through his phone, ignoring the stares as people walked past him. Obviously students would be staring at him because not only the senior's class are upstairs and that he's also popular because of his handsomeness, no one had ever seen the Mark Lee standing in front of a classroom waiting for someone. Never for Donghyuck, Renjun or anyone for a fact.

"Hey Mark" Donghyuck called out and Mark looked up from his phone, them doing their handshake right after. He then greeted Jeno with a nod to which is returned with an eye smile before them dull eyes finally turned to me. "We'll head on first"

"M-mark..." i greeted him with an awkward smile. He stared at me as i waved. I must say, i feel small under his gaze. Furthermore, its more awkward when i dont know his emotions towards me.

I want to know what he feels right now

As if answering my wish, i caught a glimpse of sadness in his eyes before he blinked it away. He then grabbed my hand before i could comprehend what i just saw and began walking to the entrance of the school.

I stared at his back as he pulled me to the school's parking lot, ignoring the many pairs of eyes staring at us, most specifically our hands. All that was in my mind was, why that? Did i do something wrong to hurt him in any way?

I was soon cut off from my thoughts when i no longer felt his hand on mine. I then realised that we're standing in front of a sleek black and green motorcycle. I watched as Mark took out a heavy black helmet from one of its compartments and turned to me.

He stared at me for awhile before proceeding to put on the helmet for me. I could feel my heart beat rapidly as he fixed the helmet to make sure that its secure enough. He then got on his bike and put on his helmet, patting the empty space behind him for me to get on after.

Once i got on, he immediately started the engine which led to me wrapping my arms around his waist. Hell no im going to risk getting into an accident by not holding onto anything. I felt him tense at my sudden move but quickly composed himself and started driving off.


"And you said... ?" I raised a brow expectantly at Donghyuck while crossing my arms over my chest only for him to raise his hands in mock surrender.

"I swear i only invited Renjun and Jisung, and Mark"

"Looks like you invited the whole house" i sighed as i went over to Jisung and did our handshake. "I hope Nana's fine with this"


As we arrived at the parking lot, i realised that there were lots of motorbikes parked but soon recognised a black and white one which belongs to Jisung. Parking in the final slot near the end of the row of bikes, Mark turned off the engine and he got off first while i took off the heavy helmet.

He held out a hand and i immediately took it as i got off his bike. I handed him his helmet and he placed them in the same compartment from earlier. All this done in a comfortable silence. I let out a small smile watching him. As soon as he turned, i quickly pursed my lips, though i think he already saw it but whatever. I turned and walked off first.

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