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"Markie" i called out to Mark whose in the bathroom. I was on Mark's bed, scrolling through pet accessories. Chenle stole Lexi so im alone while waiting for Mark. Jeno and Jisung are at home and i decided to stay over Mark's because its comfortable.

I continued when i heard a hum in response. "Do you think Lexi would like it if i were to buy a bunny hat for her?"

"That and a fish pillow" he answered while coming out of the bathroom with only a towel clinging around his waist like its life depended on it. He was wiping his pink hair with another towel. Id be lying if i say i didnt find that hot. I didnt know i was staring until Mark cleared his throat, to which i quickly looked back down at my phone, face flushed red.

I scrolled through to look for a fish pillow and added it to cart. I was about to click order when i remembered that i have Ash. I looked up to Mark and he was going through his closet searching for a shirt. "Markie" i called again. Im probably annoying him by this point. But i dont care.

He hummed again and after finding a shirt and sweatpants, he turned to me. "Whats wrong princess?" He asked seeing the frown on my face.

"What should i buy for Ash?" I pouted. Ash would feel jealous. Really jealous.

"Maybe an octupus plushie?" Mark suggested while putting on his sweatpants. I raised a brow at that. "I came across a rainbow octopus plushie once and wanted to buy it for Lexi but i dont think she would like it"

He started walking towards me while putting on his shirt, the towel around his waist already hung somewhere. I sat up and exchanged my phone with the towel lazing on his head. He sat down on the edge of his bed and began searching for the said plushie while i kneeled behind him, gently wiping his hair with the towel.

"Oh, there's pink" i laid my chin on his crown and looked down at my phone screen.

"He wont... eat it, right?" we both laughed. "Its fine i guess. Even if he does and the octopus starts falling off, i can just buy a new one" i shrugged.

"Dont Ash have many toys already?" Mark tilted his head back to look at me and i covered his face with the towel.

"He does. Its just that i think he'd feel jealous if i bought for Lexi and not for him" i lifted the towel and placed a kiss on Mark's forehead. As i was about to pull away, he pulled me in for another kiss at the lips.

We pulled away when the door opened and a head poked in followed by a black furball running in and joining us on the bed. Chenle wriggled his eyebrows and i hid behind Mark to hide my embarrassment.

"Sorry for interrupting your ' moment ' , just came to return Lexi" he then left and i sighed. Before Mark continues his search, he gave a quick peck on my cheeks while i was opening the drawer to take out a hair dryer. I blushed at that and silently went back behind him to dry his hair after plugging its wire in.

Lexi had placed herself comfortably on Mark's lap and he runs his fingers through its fur while i dry his pink hair. While drying his hair, he held up my phone to show that ive made a purchase already. I nodded my head and he placed my phone back on the bedside table before continuing to run his fingers through Lexi's fur. I let out a small smile. I like this. I like this peace.

After drying his hair, i pulled him down onto the bed and cuddled against his chest. I smiled in content feeling the warmth and Mark didnt complain. Instead, his arms went to wrap themselves around me. Lexi had decided to get comfortable in between our legs and slept there.

Mark watched as i went from drawing circles on his chest to silently taking his hand and playing with his fingers. An idea suddenly pops up in my head, causing a smile to bloom on my face. I then felt a finger under my chin, turning my face to look at the other.

"Whats got my princess all smiling?" I grinned and lifted his hand.

"Can i paint your nails?" i gave him my puppy eyes that no one can resist and waited for his reaction.

He was silent for a moment before leaning in and leaving a kiss on my pouted lips. "In that case, could you do my hair too?" my face lit up at that and i nodded vigorously.

"Absolutely" i then continued to play with his fingers, thinking of the colour theme for his nails. Maybe i should match them with his hair. But im thinking a dirty grey for his hair. I pouted. Maybe a bright colour theme for his nails then.

I looked up at Mark to find him staring back at me. As i was about to tell him my plan, my phone's ringtone rang through the room. I raised a brow. Could it be Jeno or Jisung?

Mark took my phone for me handed it to me. My eyes widened at the caller id. I immediately answered the call. "Hyung?"

"Hey kiddo, its been awhile" i smiled and nodded eventhough the other cant see.

"Damn is"

"Where are you? Im at your house. Jeno said that youre at a friend's? Who is this friend? How come im not informed about this?" I chuckled as he bombarded me with questions.

I slowly sat up and Mark's hands went to rest themselves on my sides. I looked at him, seeing a curious look on his face and smiled. "Ill come over in five" i then hung up and got out of bed, pulling Mark up along with me.

"My older brother's back. You dont mind we go and greet him, right?" I look to Mark for approval and he shook his head. I smiled.

I went over to his closet and picked out an army green bomber jacket. Putting it on, i smiled in content as it held Mark's scent. I then went to sit on the edge of his bed, playing with Lexi's fur whose now awake on my lap, while waiting for Mark to get ready. Im definitely not complaining about the strip show im getting.

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