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"You fetching your man after this?" Jungwoo asked and i could feel him peeking over my shoulder as i text Jaemin. We're currently in the elevator of Father's building.

I nodded and shoved my phone into my jacket pocket, the small tug on the corners of my lips didnt go unnoticed by Jungwoo.

"He's the one" i turned to him with a raised brow to find him smiling while looking ahead.

"What do you mean?" I asked when the elevator dinged and its doors opened. I stepped out first and waited for him to walk in front.

"Youve never shown emotions ever since after Ayana passed and here you are, smiling at a mere text conversation with him" Jungwoo smirked at me and i rolled my eyes.

"Cant deny that this boy sure does have an effect on me" with hands buried in our jacket pockets, we stood in front of Father's office.

"The next thing you know, you'll live a new life happily. And im sure Ayana will finally be able to smile seeing your happiness" he concluded our conversation before opening the wooden door of Father's office.

"Afternoon Father" we greeted as we entered his office. The said man looked up from his stack of papers and smiled at us.

"I see you two have gone" he said while observing our dreached clothes as we walked to the sofa. We nodded our heads as we sat. He then stood up from his seat and went to sit on the sofa across from ours.

Father never fails to give us his hundred percent attention. No matter the work load, whenever we come to visit him, he'll put work aside.

"We're having a movie marathon this weekend at hyung's place" i said as i stared at his visble eye bags. He looked like shit. "Cause you look like crap"

He chuckled and lets out a yawn before leaning back on his sofa, as if finally relaxing. "Will Doyoung be there? Its been awhile since ive seen my future son-in-law"

Jungwoo chuckled. "Definitely. He missed you too"

"How about you, Mark? Anyone peaked your interest?" he asked, now looking at me.

"Yeah, a boy named Na Jaemin" Jungwoo answered for me. I didnt comment as Father was bound to find out anyway. Even if i dont mention it, im sure it says all over my face.

"Figured" Father smiled at me. "Glad youve found someone son"

"Im glad i met him too" a picture of Jaemin came to mind and i unknowingly smiled.

"There he goes smiling like a boy in love" Jungwoo nudged me while smirking and i pursed my lips back to a thin line.

Father laughed. "Id love to meet him soon"

"I can bring him along with me during the weekend" i suggested.

"Dont complain about third wheeling if Jaemin agrees to tag along" Jungwoo teased and Father laughed.

"Its fine. Cupcake could keep me company. Besides, its been a long while since ive seen that cutie. I miss her so much" Father smiled at the though of Lexi but Jungwoo only laughed.

"For the last time Father, its Lexi, but sure. I bet Lexi dont but whatever floats your boat Father" we stared intensely at Father's arms that has his shirt sleeves rolled up, exposing his muscled arms filled with healing cat scratches. It was obviously from Lexi. Father basically has an unrequited love with our cat.

He only smiled, not bothering to roll down his sleeves.


"Waiting for boyfie?" a familiar voice joined next to me as i stood next to the school gates. I lightly blushed and nodded.

"He's not my boyfriend Lele but yeah im waiting for him. How about you?" he smiled in response.

"Im waiting for Lucas. Said he's ending his football a little late and told me to wait here" Chenle said as he leaned back against the wall. I nodded in acknowledgment. "Did Mark hyung came to school? I hadnt seen him at all today"

Just then the sound of a bike's engine was heard and we turned our heads to the direction of the sound. "Speak of the devil"

The owner of a black and green bike pulled up and took off his helmet. I grinned seeing Mark. I was so happy that i practically jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck, like a girlfriend excited to see her boyfriend.

"Great to see you too princess" he greeted and i soon pulled away feeling his drenched clothes, a frown prominent on my face.

"I missed you so much" i pouted. "Where'd you go and why are your clothes wet?"

I then felt his arms snake themselves around my waist. "My brother and i went to meet Father today and on our way, it began pouring" he gave a peck on my pouting lips.

I reached out and pushed back his hair before placing the back of my hand on his forehead and a hand on mine. He's not burning up so thats a good thing. "We should head home quick before you start burning up"

Mark only nodded before handing me a blue helmet with white doodles as its design, my favourite out of his helmet collection. As i got on his bike, we heard another bike engine and turned to see a black and white bike pull up behind us.

Its owner took off their helmet and Chenle smiled. "My boyfriend's here!" He went over and they exchanged hugs and kisses.

"I miss you too babe" we heard Chenle say and i fake gagged, only to receive a disgusted expression in return.

"Oh Mark, i didnt see you during football practice. Donghyuck said you went to see your brother?" Mark nodded in response. "Well, see you at home"

We waved each other off and Mark and i head home first since Chenle wanted to drop by Taeil's restaurant for dinner.


Swinging open the brown door, I cooed at a Lexi making its way towards me as Mark and i stepped into his house, as if its walking on red carpet. I picked it up and ran my fingers through its furs, it purring at my touch.

Mark rubbed their noses together and pulled away when Lexi was about to bite him. I chuckled at that. These two are so cute.

We walked pass the kitchen to find Xiaojun and Hendery cooking while Yangyang sat on the countertop, watching them cook.

"Hey Yang" the said boy turned to me and greeted Mark and i with a wave. "Have you told them yet?" i mouthed.

He nodded with a sad look and gestured a hand going over his throat, as if slicing it. I slightly winced but at the same time, what am i expecting. He's smart and only doing this on purpose for god knows what reason.

His two other boyfriends finally turned to us and i think Xiaojun got Yangyang and i's silent conversation. "I want to say that im surprised with Yang's results but am truly not" he glared at Yangyang. "As long as he gets promoted to senior year then im fine with it"

"We still love you" Hendery smiled and gave a peck on Yangyang's lips.

He's the one | MarkminWhere stories live. Discover now