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Mark Lee

A knock on the balcony door tears me out from my thoughts. I turn to see my bestfriend, Donghyuck, leaning against the door frame. No words exchanged, he tosses me a fresh pack of cigarettes and comes in to lean his back next to me against the wooden railing. I mutter a ' thanks ' and tap the top of the cigarette box onto my palm before unpacking it. I pull out a stick and rest it between my lips.

"Coming to school today?" Donghyuck asks as he too pulls out a stick from his half finished pack of cigarettes.

I shrug while hovering my hand over the tip of the cigarette to block out wind before lighting it up with my rainbow lighter. I then take a long drag and pull the cigarette from my lips, soon exhaling a thick stream of white smoke into the air.

"I'll be late, you?" i take another long drag as i stare at the sunrise.

Donghyuck too exhales a thick stream of white smoke while running his fingers through his lavender hair and nods. "With the rest"

I flick the ash onto the ashtray that was glued on top of the corner of the railing, i glued that. "Couldn't sleep?"

Donghyuck nods his head again while sighing. "Yeah. Seems like you couldn't too, again" i hum in response. He didn't question further, already knowing why.

"Lexi's beautiful as always" a compliment comes out of nowhere and by the voice, i can already tell who it was without the need to turn around. "May i join you guys? Jisung's phone kept receiving calls from unknown, random numbers and i just- i don't wanna think about it right now"

I wave at Renjun, a bestfriend of Donghyuck and i, before nodding at another one of his many complaints about his boyfriend, Jisung. Their relationship has been rocky nowadays with Jisung receiving texts and calls from random people and Renjun thinking that they're all from girls since Jisung was once a womaniser. With Renjun thinking that his boyfriend communicates with them behind his back, it made him feel low about himself and he started asking himself what he lacks that Jisung has to find it in other girls.

"You know Jisung loves you right?" i receive silence but continue anyways. "Thats why he's choosing you over those random people calling and texting trying to get his attention and it's also why he's not letting you go because he knows he only wants you, your attention, your love"

"I'm with Mark on this" Donghyuck agrees. "You should talk it out with him. I'm sure he hasn't been contacting other girls now that he has you. Sure, those people call him but does he answer them?"

Renjun stills in his position on the chair, probably processing the words Donghyuck and i said. A small ' thanks ' was then heard from him.

We stayed there in comfortable silence after that, enjoying each other's company. Since a month ago, i've been having the same dream of my mother and her leaving me over and over again, which led me to becoming sleep deprived. Nowadays, i just choose not to sleep because everytime i do, it'll only lead to me waking up in sweat and shortness of breath.

After about two to three more cigarettes, we went back inside and the two left to their rooms to get ready for school. I sit on my bed and Lexi, my black furred cat who was wide awake, jump onto the bed and join me by placing itself on my lap. She makes herself comfortable and i only run my fingers through her thick black fur, allowing her.

I turn to the body-lengthed mirror placed northeast from the bed. I stare at my hair that was once neon pink but is a dirty pink now, the pink almost gone.

I should dye it back to black or something


Walking down the hallway full of individual music rooms, i pause at a door when the melodic sound of a violin hit my ears. Turning to look through the square window fixed on the door, a boy with platinum blue hair was seen playing a violin with much delicacy. I can't help but stare as he strums the bow onto the strings with such gentleness.

He's playing the same sad piece Mother used to play alone in her room. Eventhough it's a sad piece, i always looked forward to her playing the violin. It amazed me what feelings could be felt just by listening to her play.

My hand unknowingly went to knock on the door, startling the boy. His head shoots up to me and my heart clenches when a tear rolls down his cheek. With wide eyes, he quickly wipes the tear away and began to hurriedly pack his stuff. I swing the door open, ready to apologise and ask if he's alright. But to my surprise, tightly clutching onto his belongings, he heads straight out, bowing a little at me— though his eyes were already glued to the ground— and mutters a small ' im sorry ' as he brisk walk past me.

I frown lightly at the rushing boy down the hallway, his belongings looking like they're holding onto him for their dear life. Did he think that i was about to ask him about the room? But it seems like he hasn't use the room for very long.

The thought of going after the blue haired boy to clear the misunderstanding, and possibly ask for his name too, was cut off by an arm wrapping itself around my shoulder. I turn to the owner and was greeted by a grinning black head.

"As expected, you always attend this class, and you're early this time too. Another one of those nights huh" i nod, eyes looking into the currently empty room. As he was about to continue his chatter, a yell stops him from doing so and his arm was quick to go by his side.

"Hendery! Mark!" a blonde head stops in front of us, trying to catch his breath. "Glad you two have found a room. The others are packed!"

"Packed? How come?" Hendery questions with a raised brow at his boyfriend, Xiaojun. He wraps an arm around the blonde's waist and gives a peck on his lips as a greeting.

"Another school is occupying most of the rooms as something happened to theirs. Some of our students are even practicing outside" Donghyuck came from behind us and i greet him with our handshake.

"Lets just hope we don't get chased out of this room" the three went in first, relief that there's an available room while i just stand in my spot, the thought of the blue haired boy entering my mind.

Where will he go?

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