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Lee Donghyuck

I sat on Jeno's bed, my back against the headboard as i typed away on my phone. I was texting in the group with Mark and Renjun inside. The group is naturally dry and it's so boring. Mark is a very dry texter and he's somehow getting worse. I guess it's his boyfriend. As for Renjun, i can't say much since he's the only one replying me and actually acknowledging my bullshit.

Soon, the bathroom door swings open and out came Jeno with an oversized shirt and a towel hanging losely around his waist. He stared at me for a moment as he dry his hair with another towel before heading to his closet.

I stared at his body as he wore his clothes, finding it challenging to take my eyes off of that beautiful body of his. Surprisingly, he didn't say anything even though i'm sure he could feel my eyes checking him out.

After hanging his towels, he walks towards me and gestures for me to move down the bed a little. I did as told and instinctively lifted my arms when Jeno began to slid himself onto the bed and atop me. He wraps him arms around me and burrows his head in my chest before closing his eyes in content. I let out a warm smile and wrap my arms around him.

Filled with happiness, i dialed Mark's number and place my phone to my ear while i run my fingers through Jeno's semi-wet dark red hair. I grin when Mark answered on second ring.

"Ayo Mark, i'm literally winning right now" i hear him heave out a sigh.

"Let me guess, you got him to be in your arms again?"

"I didn't even need to ask" i said proudly. At that, Jeno flutter his eyes open and looks up at me. "That's all i wanted to say, bye Morkle" i hung up as he was about to nag at me for calling him that.

"I'm planning to cook pasta later. Would you like some?" i nod with a smile.

I then unwrap one of his hand that was wrapped around my torso and place a gentle kiss on top of it. "When can you be mine?"

Jeno only gave me a small smile. "After i finish my studies. Will you be able to wait till then Hyuck?"

I gave a small nod in response. "If it's you, i don't mind the long wait because my feelings for you will never change Lee Jeno. Looking at it positively, i can impress you more, right?" he lets out a chuckle at that and i smiled.

However, if you happen to fall for someone else, please tell me so that it'll hurt less


"You alright? Your mood changed after staring at something on your phone" Mark asked, concern written clearly on his face.

We are standing by his motorbike at the parking lot next to Taeil's restaurant. We had bid goodbye to Jaehyun and Taeyong and i said that i'll spend time with them after school tomorrow.

"I-it's n-nothing" i looked away, trying to avoid his eyes while taking out my favourite spare helmet from one compartment of Mark's motorbike and putting it on.

"Hey hey, you know you can tell me anything, right? Especially if it pertains to him" Mark snakes his arms around my waist and turns me to him. He lifted the shield of the helmet and turns my face to ensure eye contact with him.

I just stared into his eyes, words unable to leave my mouth. Why was i scared about? It's just Dylan. It's not like he's working with- no, let's not think like that. I guess i just don't want to see Mark hurt.

I let out a warm smile and place my hand on the side of his face. He leans into my touch and i felt my heart beating rapidly at that.

Is this what love truly feels like? At least now i know that love is not all pain, pain, and pain

"Let's get back. It's already late" Mark complies and i got on his motorbike first as he wears his helmet. After he got on, his starts the engine and drives into the night. I stare at the beautiful night sky, arms wrapped tightly around Mark's waist.


"Hey Nana, what subject are you doing right now?" Jeno asks as he leans over to look at my paper.

"History" i whispered as we're currently in the library. "By the way, i know that we're having free period right now but... should he be playing?" i nod to Donghyuck who's furiously tapping away on his phone, his tongue poking out a little in concentration. His headphones were blocking out the outside noise but i think the game that he's playing is the one causing the most noise here.

Jeno only rolls his eyes and snatches away Donghyuck's phone, receiving a whine from the other. Jeno only glares at him and place the phone into his bag. "You do that whole paper and i'll return you your phone" Jeno said sternly while pointing at the Physics paper in front of Donghyuck. The younger lets out an exaggerated sigh before proceeding to do the paper with a bored expression.

We're currently having free period so we're using the time wisely to do our revision. Renjun's not with us again because apparently Jisung has free period too so i'm guessing they're doing their revision elsewhere or maybe even doing something else, i don't know. Unfortunately for me, Mark sadly has normal lesson right now so he's in his classroom.

While doing my paper, i felt my phone vibrating from my back pocket so i fished it out and my face fell when i saw the caller id. I slowly got up— not wanting to disturb Jeno— and as i was about to leave, Jeno stopped me by gripping onto my shirt.

I turned to him. "Where are you heading?" he asks with a raised brow.

"Oh, Mark called. Do you want any drinks?" i said with a mock smile.

Jeno frowns, a little suspicious as i was holding the phone to my chest but didn't question it. "Two cans of coffee will do. Thanks" i send him a small wave and left.

Once outside, i answered the call while walking to the vending machine. "Hello Nana, it's Dylan" i clenched my fingers into a fist, trying to contain my anger as he called me by my nickname. "You still remember what you said, right?"

I heave out a sigh. "Tomorrow after school..." i then thought of a place. Should we do it at the rooftop so that i can throw him off the building? Or should we do it at the parking lot where i can run him over with Mark's motorbike?

"The last classroom on our level" i settled at that. Well, i can still kill him and no one would know. I can just throw his body out the window and say that it's a suicide- i think that's enough for today.

"Nana?" i turned swiftly at the familiar voice, also just realising that i'm already at the vending machine.

I quickly hung up and slid the phone in my back pocket. I greeted Mark with a smile. "Mark? What are you doing here?" i asked as he stood next to me.

"Lesson was boring so i went out to take a breather. You? Were you calling someone?" he asks, eyeing my back. I turn to face him.

"Yeah, it's just Jisung since Renjun and him went elsewhere to study" i quickly came up with an excuse. "I came out to buy drinks too"

I then quickly inserted the coins and pressed on the coffee button three times. As i was about to take the cans out, Mark took it first. I awkwardly meet his eyes and reach out my hand for him to hand me the drinks. There was a moment of silence before he finally hand them over. I receive it with a smile.

I lean in and wrap my arms around his neck, hoping to give him some reassurance that i'm alright. "I'm fine Markie. See you after school" i left after giving him a gentle peck to the cheek.


Surprise surprise 😌😌 . I hope this chapter's not bad even though it's out so quick ( 4 days after the previous chapter omg ) . I guess this makes it a bonus chapter then 😁😁 . Have a nice day everyone <3 !!

He's the one | MarkminOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara