Chapter 23 ~We're going to Hollywood baby~

Start from the beginning

"Bella Cost?" He asks in disbelief

I nod, "Yea I know it shocked me too."

"Well I guess you never know what goes on behind closed doors."

"She hasn't really been getting much sleep lately and she's really stressed over her parents arguing." John furrows his eyebrows.

"Did you tell her yet?" My mum suddenly bursts into the room and asks excitedly. I raise my eyebrow in question.

"No I didn't get that far." John rolls his eyes and my mum stands there still grinning and moving around excitedly.

"Oh ok, I'll come back"

"You may as well stay seeings as you ruined it."

"Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on!" I say breaking up their discussion.

"We're going to the Oscars baby!" Mum yells throwing her hands up in the air and my jaw drops.

"Are you serious?" And she nods. John whips some plane tickets out of his pocket and grins.

"We were nominated for some awards and they've invited you to come." I sit there eyes wide and mouth open is disbelief. Do you know how many famous people are at the Academy Awards shows? Holy freaking shit I am going to the Oscars!

"When is it?"

"Sunday, LA time." John replies and I get up off the couch. "So what do you say? Want to get away from here for the weekend?" John asks and my mind instantly flashes to creep.

"Yes!" I don't even hesitate. One weekend that's all I need, I can get away from everyones drama and not have to worry about creep watching my every move, plus I will get to see some of my idols in person. Oh my I can't believe it, I will get to see them in real freaking life!

"Ok well we leave in a few hours so go pack." My mum grins and I gasp.

"Mum I have nothing to wear! This is the Oscars we're talking about, I can't just rock up in jeans and a shirt."

"Oh Layli always underestimating me, it's all sorted don't worry." She grins at me and winks before heading downstairs to her floor. I look at John before rushing upstairs to my room and packing a bag. I have a quick shower before hand and decide to leave my current outfit on as it's comfortable for sitting on a plane. I quickly open my laptop and have a look at the weather this weekend in Los Angles and to my disappointment the cold weather seems to have carried over to spring over there as the forecast reads cold with chances of rain. I pack a few pairs of underwear, jeans, jumpers, cosy pjs, a variety of tops, some beanies and scarfs as well as some shorts and skirts just in case the weather gets warm randomly. I know it's only for one weekend but I have to be prepared for everything. I shove all my makeup, bathroom and hair necessities into a big black toilet bag and stand there looking at my suitcase trying to remember if I've forgotten anything. I quickly rush to my wardrobe and throw in a bikini and a couple pairs of shoes and boots before pushing down on my black suitcase and zipping up the bulging bag. Next I grab my black backpack which I take to school and tip everything out onto my bed before filling it with my macbook and various chargers. I throw in a magazine, my sunglasses some lollies and earphones. I know it's a bit big for what I have in there but who knows I might need it if we decide to go sight seeing. Oh speaking of that I add a camera to my bag and unzip my suitcase to put in some purses and handbags. At the thought of purse I grab some cash and my card before putting that purse into my backpack. Looking at the clock I see it's 5:30 so I grab my bag and put it on my back before sliding up the handle of my suitcase and taking it out of my room and down the stairs. Maybe we should get an elevator for times like this. I leave my bags at the door to be packed into the car before running upstairs to blow dry my hair. I throw it up into a messy bun leaving a few strands on the sides to hang down the sides of my face. I put on a simple silver chain necklace with a little silver moon on it to add some colour to my white crop top and shove my phone into the side pocket of my blue tracksuit pants before heading downstairs. I notice my mum and John are in hectic mode as they make sure everyone has their bags packed and that all the doors are locked and various appliances are turned off. I lie down on the couch as mum shouts at Kat to hurry up. I log onto Facebook and explain to my friends what's happening but only Hazel is online and replies, telling me she's so excited and she'll look out for me on tv. Tv wow I can't believe this is actually happening. I'll be walking the red carpet with my mum and John. There's that thought again what the hell am I meant to wear? I'm praying my mum has some dresses for me like she said or we're going shopping, because if not I'm going to be the first person to walk the red carpet in jeans and a jumper. I wonder if anyone has actually done that? Suddenly my phone vibrates in my hand and it begins playing Fancy. A horrible picture of Hazel that I took a few months ago of her on Halloweenflashes up on my screen, alerting me of the caller.I slide to answer just as Kat finally comes downstairs dressed in a hoodie and shorts.

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