Chapter 27 ~ A dog hunting it's prey~

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Picture of Cameron to the side :)
"And remember this is the last test of the term so do well and you'll have a head start for next term in terms of your grades." Mrs Emery says from the front of the room, writing the start and finish time of our maths test on the whiteboard she looks around the class, inspecting us before letting us start. There's the distinct sound of papers opening as everyone hurries the begin. I slowly write my name before opening the booklet.

3x + 1


5x + 2

What the fuck? Seeings as this is the first question I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be easy but I have no freaking clue how to do this. Wide eyed I flick to the back of the booklet and read the last questions. Explain your knowledge on algebraic fractions without using your calculator.

7x2(x−3). 3(x3)(x+1)

_______ x __________

5x(x+1) 14(x3)2(x1)

How am I meant to do that without a calculator? I don't know half my times tables, let alone adding letters into the mix. I let out a big yawn that makes my eyes water. Just my luck the day I get back I have a freaking maths test. I was literally away for what, 3 days? And they suddenly learnt all this random stuff? Ok they probably learnt it when I was here and I wasn't listening but still, when am I ever going to need this? I let out a sigh and turn back to the front of the booklet and try to work out the questions. After the oscars we went to some after party that I think was a fundraiser for something. We changed into more suitable party dresses and stayed at the party until god knows what time in the morning. For me it honestly wasn't that fun because I wasn't allowed to drink and there was barely anyone my age, so while everyone around me was getting drunk and socialising I was just kind of sitting there or dancing by myself. I guess it was the atmosphere that was most exciting, seeing all those celebrities in one place, I mean who wouldn't have wanted to be in my position in that moment? When we got back to our suite my mum and John were both wasted and the next morning had a massive hangover. I can't imagine flying with a hangover would be the best cure so they decided to stay for another day while they recovered in the lush features of the penthouse. Meanwhile Kat and I went shopping and got some really cute bargains. That's the beauty of traveling to a country with a different season, all their winter things are on sale just in time for winter back in Australia. The next day our flight was at 11 pm so we spent the day in Disney land which I have to admit was amazing, I can't even imagine the delight Kate and Alisha felt. But now here I am back at school doing a maths test, when I'm still half asleep due to jet lag. I sneak a peak sideways and see Tom is furiously scribbling down answers next to me. One thing I've learnt about him is that he is actually so smart at math. God knows how he gets any of this but he really does. I turn around in my seat and see everyone behind me is writing answers and clicking their calculators, even Chelsea. She's been quite quiet lately I haven't heard or seen much of her, which is odd to say the least. Turning back to the front I see Mrs Emery looking at me and give me a small smile while nodding her head. I give her a fake smile in return before darting my eyes to the clock on the wall. Shit 30 minutes to go. I begin to bite my lip. I cannot fail this test, my math grades are already on a borderline D as it is, I can't imagine what would happen if I actually got a D. That's one thing I hate about math the fact I actually fit into the dumb blonde category. Ok focus. Reading the questions again I try them, getting an answer that doesn't seem too unreasonable.




Wait maybe I wasn't meant to times the denominators. Ugh. I sneak a peak sideways and see Tom nearly on the last page. How the hell is he so fast? I subtly kick the side of his leg with my foot and he looks up. I gesture with wide eyes to my test and his face breaks out into a grin, the grin that once made my heart race. I honestly don't know what my feelings for Tom are anymore, I mean sometimes I get nervous and act the way I used to but then there's that other half who is so done with the amount of times that he's screwed me over. He rolls his green eyes while still grinning and slides his paper over to the edge of his desk, closer to me and flicks to the first page. I see various equations in his neat handwriting and take a quick peak up the front to see Mrs Emery reading a book. I hurriedly begin to copy his working out not bothering to check if it's correct. Like I'd know anyway. When I finish the first page he flicks to the second and this continues until he gets to the last page that he hasn't finished yet. I begin to doodle pictures in the working out space that represent some deformed cat, not bothering to do the last question. If I copy Tom for this it will be way to obvious I've copied because Mrs Emery will know I'm no where near capable of understanding that, let alone getting it correct.

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