Q and A

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So here it is, my first Q and A, if you have anymore questions after this feel free to ask them and I'll add them here or in a future Q and A if there is enough questions for one.

When it comes to questions about me I'm only going for ones that I feel are directly linked to me, if the book is mentioned then I'm going to call it as a question for the book, I hope you all don't mind.

Questions for me

Q: Why are you so good at writing

A: Ummm, I honestly don't feel like I'm all that good at writing, I just write what comes to my head and try to expand on it. For example if I wanted to write about Jungkook falling over that wouldn't be enough to be interesting, I would have to write about where he fell, what caused him to fall, in as much detail as possible how the fall felt (e.g. was it quick? Did it hurt? Was it in slow motion and did the shock cause him to not feel anything?), how did he feel after, did he want hugs and comfort because it hurt or did he want to hide away because it was embarrassing? How did the person who watched it happen feel? Guilty because they couldn't stop it? Worried because they were sure they could smell blood? Anything like that. Take a small idea and layers to it. I got that from my acting years I think and my understanding of people. Its never just a small things, there are feelings behind most actions and they can be explained and knowing characters in more detail make a bigger connection between reader and story making it more interesting. 

Q: Where are you from?

A: England. That is why some of this book relates more to English history and laws than Korean because its not easy to get information about Koreas history. Most of Yoongi's back story and Hoseok's is/ will be based on my countries history because that is all I can find.

Q: How old are you?

A: I'm 18.

Q: When did you start stanning our boys?

A: This question is a bit of a long answer, kind of, so get your cups of teas, coffees or hot chocolates now. Right I actually get into our boys three times... See the first time I started to listen to them was back in 2016/17, some time around then. I had a friend and she liked them and I tried them because they were always on YouTube, like all over the place. However I was swamped with summer homework, preparing for GCSEs and my friend was doing the same so I had no one to talk about them to and no one to help me learn about them because there was a lot of information about them to learn. I used to think Suga was also called bunny because I was so bad at learning things. The next time I started to listen to them was around February of 2019, once again I loved them and their work but for me I need irl people to talk about them to when I first get into a band or something like that, someone to discover things with. I had one friend who also liked BTS and all he wanted to talk about was Jungkook's abs and corrupt me and my friend's mind by constantly showing us his abs which is really annoying because BTS is more than just Jungkook, they are seven not one and they are way, way, way more than just abs. So basically I might as well of had no one to talk to about them and eventually stopped listening again because all I knew of was the music, not the community of people or that they had stuff other than just their music. Finally though on about the 3rd of January 2020 I wanted to listen to them again because I knew their music and it was amazing and I decided to see if I would fall down the rabbit hole again, not alone this time though. This time I grabbed on to my sister, the friend that was shown Jungkook's abs with me constantly the last time, the one and only amazing woman taes_noodle02. I grabbed a hold of them and forced them into the BTS fandom, by that I mean I played Dope. This time I had a friend to love them with and we loved BTS together. 

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