Chapter Four- Rules

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Jin had never wanted to capture a moment more in his life more than this one right here. He loved all his nest mates, always had and always would but there was always a part of him that always felt empty, like something was missing. He was pretty sure the others had felt it as well but they'd never wanted to tell each other out of fear of hurting the feelings of one of them. However, right now, looking as Jungkook being held in Jimin's lap while Jimin had one arm around Jungkook's midsection and the other around Taehyung, he could finally feel it, that empty space being filled. They were all together right now. He was beside Namjoon while Yoongi and Hoseok were both in seats close to their maknae, as if they were ready to jump in and help them three of them with anything at any second.

This was the first time in his 1000 years of life that he finally felt fully complete. It was like this whole time he was meant to have six boyfriends but he never really knew it. He wasn't going to use the term boyfriend around Jungkook just yet for his sake as he guessed Jungkook wouldn't be comfortable with it yet and Jin was okay with that, as long as the boy knew he was meant to be with them and wouldn't reject them.

This was why he wanted to take a photograph of this moment. He wanted to savour feeling completely complete forever. He wanted to always look at the picture and just think how lucky he was to have these men in his life.

He looked over to Namjoon as he herd a small laugh coming from him and he raised an eyebrow at him. "Yoongi's getting jealous of Jimin." Namjoon whispered in Jin's ear and the oldest shook his head a little bit at that with a found smile on his face. It was understandable for Yoongi to be jealous. Naturally, by instinct and how cute Jungkook is, everyone in this room wanted to hold him and never let go of him no matter what. However, not everyone could at the same time no matter how much they all wanted and Jungkook had went to Jimin so it was only right that they respected the choices of the youngest.  

However, he would admit Jimin was very lucky right now and he'd want to have his chance to hold Jungkook close later. Now wasn't the time though since they needed to teach Jungkook a few things about being a vampire and staying safe. On top of that they also wanted to find out more about him. They had learned his name from his college books but that was it, everything else other than his age and date of birth was unknown and they wanted to know everything about their new mate. They wanted to know the important stuff like what he enjoyed doing and his favourite food. Anything about him, be it major or minor, they all wanted to know.

Jungkook snuggled into Jimin a little bit, he'd accepted that he wasn't going to be let go of and he didn't want to risk hurting Jimin's feelings by once again asking the vampire to get off of him so he decided that instead he should just make himself feel as comfortable as possible. He felt so right and perfect as he sat amongst all of the Kim nest, that he guessed he was now officially a part of, it just felt like he belonged there. Despite that though, he couldn't shut up the questions running through his head of how this couldn't actually be right. He shouldn't feel this content and perfect because he didn't know any of these people very well.

"It's because you are  one of us." He herd Namjoon say from opposite him. "Tae made you one of us and your allowed to fell secure here, it perfectly right and natural for you too. Your home and with the people you belong with." Namjoon said in an attempt to calm the boys racing head.

"I think I'm going to need time to come to terms with that." He said with a small blush as he made sweater paws out of the too long top he had on.

"Of course, sweetie, we all needed time when we were first changed too. It'a not an easy change and it causes a lot of shock so take as much time as you could possibly need." Hoseok said as he leaned a little bit closer to Jungkook and ran a hand through his hair, "We'll wait as long as it takes for you to feel comfortable around us." He told him as he smiled at Jungkook with one of his contagious smiles which resulted in one of Kookie's bunny smiles in return as he nodded a little bit.

My Nestजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें