Chapter Seventy Five - Freedom

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Jimin stepped into the nest room, his eyes going wide as they started to all but sparkle as he took in the room around him. He had never seen a nest like this but it felt right. It felt like what they all needed as he looked at it.

Turning to his youngest mate, he reached out and grabbed Jungkook, pulling him close and kissing him deeply on the lips, unable to figure out how to put into words what he was thinking right now.

Jungkook gasped and clung onto Jimin as he kissed back. He hadn't expected this kiss at all, although he definitely wasn't going to complain about it, he loved all the kisses his mates gave him. He felt his head spinning a little bit and he let himself get lost into the kiss with Jimin.

Jimin smiled into the kiss and pulled Jungkook even closer to him, deepening the kiss for a few seconds before finally pulling away, his eyes once again practically sparkling. "You did an amazing job, my love, I have never seen a more perfect nest. It is exactly what we all need."

Jungkook, blushing from the kiss and praise as his head continued to spin a little bit, smiled lightly and looked away, "Tae-Hyung helped me a lot." He said, not wanting to take the credit away from him.

"I didn't help much, I just helped him realise what he needed." Tae said with a shake of his head and a smile and he cuddled into Hoseok's side more, "Don't let him trick you, this is all his."

"I couldn't have made it without you though." Jungkook said, pouting a little bit as he really didn't feel like this was all his. If it were not for Taehyung he would have just curled up and panicked all night, he really could not have made it on his own.

"You both did amazing." Yoongi said with a smile, "Jungkook designed a beautiful nest and Tae helped him plan it out and think clearly enough to make it." Yoongi said, hoping to appease both of his youngest mates. He was truly very proud of them both for what they made and how they worked on it together.

"I can agree on that." Tae said with a smile as he pulled away from Namjoon's hold on him, "Can we go in the nest now?" Tae said as he looked at Jungkook. While the nest was for all of them it was made by Jungkook and the nests always belonged to the youngest mate of a nest.

Jungkook nodded, still worried they wouldn't like it once they were inside of the nest and laying down in it. He didn't want anyone to feel uncomfortable inside of it. He waited for his mates to go in, wanting them to be comfortable and settled before he found a space for himself in the nest.

Namjoon watched Jungkook and smiled lightly, he found it sweet how much Jungkook wanted them to be comfortable but he really wanted his mate to start doing things that made him happy and putting himself first now and then.

Jungkook crawled into the pillow fort type of nest and smiled as he saw his mates did look comfortable and happy enough. There was a space left in the middle of all of them for him, Bora also put there for him. He really loved his plush, they helped him calm down his panic even when it was not related to other people being in his home.

Jungkook squealed as arms wrapped around him just as he picked up Bora. He was pulled into Hoseok's lap and held very close, "If you have Bora for cuddles it is only fair that I have Kookie for cuddles." Hoseok said with a grin as he kissed the back of his head.

"Okay," Jungkook said with a grin, although he felt like he got more out of this deal since now he had Bora in his arms and Hoseok keeping him close. This felt really perfect to him, he was held safely in Hoseok's arms in a nest that had him feeling perfectly safe.

Jin lay down in front of Jungkook and lightly brushed the hair away from Jungkook's face and kissed him lightly on his forehead, "Thank you for making us such a good nest, baby."

"You're welcome." Jungkook said with a small blush and felt Hoseok's arms tightening around his waist a little more and he purred, loving the sense of security he was feeling right now with all the cuddles and finally being in the nest room again with all of his mates beside him.

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