Chapter Twenty Three - Breakfast

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Stretching with a small yawn, Jungkook sat up and looked around him. It took a few seconds for him to fully register where he was, he was in his cinema room. Since when did they ever sleep in this room? Had they really been so tired that they had fallen asleep before they could even walk to the Nest room that was really close to here?

He wasn't complaining, he was very comfortable and perfectly happy where he was but it was just different. Every other night at least one of his six hyungs had made sure they got up and went into either their correct room or the nest room.

He looked around him to see his other mates seemed to be fast asleep around him, leading him to think it was pretty early but he couldn't check as he still didn't have his phone. He'd thought it was going to be hell to not have his cellular device but it had actually been really nice to not have it. To not have instagram to check where people either bragged about how perfect their life was or how their mother wouldn't buy them a new phone case so she was the most evil person in the world. He had been pretty sick of everything to do with social media, Facebook being by far the worst of them all, but he would always just find himself using them because they were there and it was something to do. Now without his phone and social media he felt de-stressed and it had even made him talk to his mates more which had been amazing for him and he absolutely loved it in every way.

He heard movement from his right and he turned his head, seeing Namjoon sitting up and offering him a small smile as he stretched. It was different for Jungkook to see Hyung's waking up, well other than Jimin and Yoongi, we were used to them waking him up. It was cute though, to see them all so peaceful and relaxed. Plus Namjoon still seemed half asleep as he stretched and Jungkook couldn't help but smile, he was so lucky. All these men that surrounded him loved him. They were his mates and he would get to spend eternity with them, they weren't ever going to leave him. How did he get so lucky?

"Someone's brain is buzzing this morning, eh, Little one?" Namjoon lightly teased Jungkook as he carefully got off the circular sofa and went behind it so that he could pick their youngest up without disturbing the other. He picked Jungkook, the boy blushing and hiding his face by burying it where Namjoon's shoulder and neck met. "How about we go and try to surprise everyone some breakfast?" Namjoon said with a smile as he kissed the side of Jungkook's head and walked to the kitchen.

"I like the sound of that." Jungkook said with a smile as he cuddled into Namjoon a little bit more. There was sometimes he thought it was pointless even having legs since he didn't use them all that often, pretty much only when dancing or running away from Taehyung when the older thought he had cheated. He wasn't complaining about that either though as he loved to be carried by his mates.

Namjoon made Jungkook drink a little bit of his blood and after that he finally put the boy down, Jungkook wasn't sure he was happy about that or not. "So what are we making?" Jungkook asked as he washed his hands, it was always important to wash your hands before making anything to eat.

"How about waffles?" Namjoon suggested, "It's pretty easy to make them, it's just pancake mix put into a waffle maker." He said as he started to get the ingredients that they would need to make the breakfast.

"Yeah!" Jungkook said with a bright smile, he loved waffles and hadn't had them in ages so he was all for making them with Namjoon for everyone else. Plus it wasn't something that seemed too hard to make, since Yoongi and Seokjin seemed to have everything a modern kitchen would have, He didn't quite get it, so many things in the house were old fashioned, like set in the time period when each of his mates were born but at the same time there was a lot of modern stuff. For example, the green house seemed like it matched the English Victorian times, but Taehyung had a fully equipped games room. The living room had an old fashioned fire and no TV with giant antique book shelves filled with books that were way older than him, yet at the same time Yoongi had a fully equipped recording studio. Seokjin knew all modern medicine and some of the best equipment, for what reason he was sure, yet none of them had watched DVDs or had even heard of Harry Potter. It just didn't make sense to him and when he asked about it they had told him it was something he would learn and grow to understand with age and he would just have to live life to understand it all, which he guessed was a fair enough answer, even if he didn't like not understanding.

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