Chapter Fifty Three- The Final Processs

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"Are you sure we should be doing this? Isn't there a safer way to go about this?" Hoseok said as he looked at Jin, his eyes begging the older to say yes and come up with some impossible way to create the final bond with less risk.

"You know if I could think of another way to do this I would but there really isn't another way that this would work, it has to be done this way." Jin said with a small sigh as he looked at Tae and Jungkook who were fast asleep between them, their youngest two mates didn't have a care in the world. Jungkook was settled at the minute with his nightmares giving him a break and Tae was perfectly content heaving Jungkook in his arm so he knew his only maknae was safe while he felt safe because he had Jin's arms around himself. "I can't make the bond without Jungkook's enhancement ability and he has to be bonded to them too so it is all complete and we can all help each other equally."

"This could just so easily go so badly wrong." Hoseok said, his own arm tightened just a little bit around Jungkook. "I don't want any of them getting hurt." He said, his eyes filled with fear as he teared up a little bit. He had been worried the other times but this time was going to be so much harder. There were three people in the bond this time and Jungkook had to enhance Jin's ability while also having the remaining strength and energy to have a new bond formed between him and the Park nest.

"It won't go wrong. When Tae and Koo are awake I'll make sure to feed them up with food while they get blood off everyone. Then you will all be with Kook and Namjoon can help him control his abilities better and if he really thinks Jungkook can't manage then I will stop before creating the bond can hurt Tae, Sanha and Koo. It will be fine, Hoseok. You know I will look after them, I always do everything I can to." Jin said as he reached over and whipped a tear from Hoseok's cheek, "No harm will come to them. Just trust me." Jin told him with a soft smile.

"Okay," Hoseok said with a small nod before his eyes were drawn to Taehyung when he heard him moving around a bit.

Tae frowned a little bit as he felt an uncomfortable twisted feeling in his stomach and the room was being filled with discomfort and worry which seemed to have a central point on Hoseok, "Hobi-Hyung?" He asked as he tried to wake up more to find out what it was that was wrong because he knew something was but he just couldn't wake up and figure out what was actually wrong.

"Everything is fine Tae, I'm okay, I promise. Go back to sleep, okay?" Hoseok said with a small smile, "Hyung is just being silly."

Tae shook his head and slowly sat up, "That's not true, what's wrong?" He asked, resting a gentle hand on Jungkook as his movements disturbed the nestling that had been cuddled into him, "Shh, Koo, it's still early, sleep." He said.

"It's really nothing, Tae bear, I'm just a little bit worried about today but Jin-Hyung is right, everything will be fine, there is nothing to worry about, now take your own advice and get some more sleep." Hoseok said with a small laugh. He really was okay, he just needed to calm himself down a little more.

"I can't, I'm awake now." Tae said with a small laugh, it didn't take all that much effort to wake him up most of the time and when he was up, he was up and he didn't often get tired till the day was over, he had an almost limitless supply of energy.

"Of course you are." Jin said with a small shake of his head, "Well, if you are up you can help me make breakfast." He said as a small smirk came to his lips.

"What did you say? Sorry, I couldn't hear you, I think I fell asleep sat up, I must be really tired still. I best cuddle with Jungkook and go back to sleep like Hobi-Hyung said." Taehyung said as he pretended to yawn and lay back down.

"No, I don't think so Tae, you are going to help me get everything ready for breakfast." Jin said as he picked up the empath and started to carry him out of the room. He knew Hoseok needed some time to calm down and as pure as Tae's intentions were to help his Hyung, Hoseok just needed some quiet time to organise his thoughts.

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