Chapter Eleven- Healing

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Jungkook weakly looked over to where he herd Tae's voice coming from and guilt ate up at him, he'd caused the pain and worry he could see in the eyes of his youngest mate. This was all his fault because he decided to be stupid and didn't listen to his mates who only wanted what was best for him.

He could almost deal with it if he was the only one suffering because of his recklessness but he wasn't the only person who had been affected in a negative way, he could see that all his hyungs were clearly distressed by his actions.

A new set of tears stared to fall down his face as he hid his face in Namjoon's neck, unable to look at the distress he had caused them. He felt someone walking over to them and felt himself being given to someone else, the sent soon telling him that it was Taehyung who was now holding him very gently but close. "I-I'm s-sorry." Jungkook stuttered in a whisper as he clung to Tae tighter, keeping his face hidden as he didn't like people seeing him cry and while they all knew he was crying that didn't mean they had to see the actual tears that just wouldn't stop falling from his eyes.

"Shhh, sweetie, you don't need to apologise or feel guilty, you need to calm down, okay? Can you try to do that for me?" His creator asked him as he felt kisses being placed on the side of his head. "Anyways, that's how you get Jimin-Hyung to forgive you, not me." Tae said to try and get a laugh or a smile off the emotional boy in his arms.

Namjoon placed his hand on Tae's shoulder and began to lead the second youngest vampire to Jungkook's room. Tae kept Jungkook in a gentle but secure hold as he carried him into his bedroom, Namjoon having gone slightly ahead of them before they got to the room so he could set the bed up that would allow Jungkook to be sat up but it wouldn't be too uncomfortable if they managed to get him to sleep.

Taehyung was very gentle while laying Jungkook down on the bed, not wanting to hurt the boy but knowing that it was probably inevitable, laying down while sun burnt always hurt and Jungkook was incredibly sun burnt right now. As he expected, a pained whimper left Jungkook as he was laid on the bed and it caused Tae to flinch slightly at the feeling. "I know it hurts, baby, just wait a tiny little bit and Jinie-Hyung will make it feel all better, I promise." He said as he gently kissed the top of Jungkook's head. He sat beside him, making sure not to irritate any of the sunburn as he gently moved Jungkook closer to him. 

Namjoon had left to help Jin get what was needed to make something to the burn while Yoongi got Jungkook some snacks, knowing he wouldn't of ate that day and not wanting Jungkook to go hungry but given the boy's worked up state he doubted that he would be able to get Jungkook to eat something like a real meal so he went for some strawberries, cherries and watermelon as they were all pretty light and delicious fruits. Hoseok was currently looking around the house, trying to get a few comfort  items for Jungkook, hoping that the boy would clam down if he had them, it would be a lot easier for everyone if Jungkook could fall asleep and the boy would feel a lot better for it. 

He started to get little things, like the fluffy blanket out of the nest room that had all of their scents on, he got one of Namjoon's vest tops as they needed access to Jungkook's arms and Namjoon was the tallest out of them so it would be the biggest things that Jungkook could wear to not rub on his sunburn, it gave them a sort of comfort as well as Jungkook would have their scent on him so it would help them know that they are doing everything that they can to help him. He went into his own room and grabbed a book that he thought might give Jungkook a distraction if it was read to him by one of them. With that Hoseok thought he best go and see Jungkook, not wanting to leave his youngest mate for too long right now and he could always get more things in a little bit.

As he walked into the room he was met with the cutest but also most heartbreaking sight he had seen in quite a long time if not ever. Jimin was on one side of Jungkook holding Jungkook's hand in a very gentle and delicate way while Tae held the still sobbing nestling. Jungkook was seeming to calm down a little but but he had a feeling that that wasn't going to last all that long.

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