Chapter Twenty Four - Stuck In The Mud

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"Okay, okay, calm down Little One." Yoongi said as he got a hold of Jungkook and took the younger boy into his arms with a small laugh.

"I know you're excited to go outside, Honey, but you need to stay calm right now. We don't want you getting hurt." Hoseok said with a small laugh as he pressed his lips against Jungkook's, surprising the youngest as he hadn't expected the kiss but he was more than happy to lean closer to enjoy the kiss, getting a little distracted by it. Hoseok laughed as he pulled away from the kiss, laughing at the slight pout that formed on Jungkook's lips. That had definitely calmed Jungkook down and he was happy with that.

Jungkook soon was back to thinking about going outside though. He wasn't upset that he hadn't been allowed out for quite a while at this point, he understood that he had scared the hell out of them and they hadn't felt comfortable with him going outside, the fact they were letting him go outside now told him that he had gained some of their trust back which was another thing that made him incredibly excited and very happy. "Can we go out now, please?" He asked, already fidgeting on Yoongi's arms to try and get out of his hold, which only resulted in Yoongi holding onto him a little tighter.

"Once you calm down, we'll go outside." Namjoon said with a small laugh, if Jungkook was too excited they had a feeling he'd step outside, use his vampire speed and run straight into a tree or the glass of the greenhouse and get hurt, that's if they even got outside before he crashed into something. Avoiding an accident was definitely something they wanted to do.

Jungkook whined, that was so stupid, personally he couldn't think of a single reason why he had to be calm to go outside. He tried once more to get out of Yoongi's hold so he could go outside already but he failed at it. With a sigh he finally leaned back against Yoongi and focused on being a little less excited about going outside.

Yoongi kept Jungkook in his lap and just held the wriggly boy, waiting for Taehyung or Namjoon to say he was calm enough to be let go of and taken outside. He looked over to them when Jungkook had finally settled down in his lap. Getting a small nod off of them he loosened his hold on Jungkook, just in case the boy jumped up and got excited again. "Okay, let's go then." Yoongi said.

Hoseok smilde and collected the plates that he used to take them to the kitchen with them, "Now stay calm Kookie, we don't want you to run into something and get hurt."

"Okay." Jungkook said and smiled as Jimin offered his hand to Jungkook. He walked through the house with his hand in Jimin's. He was still really excited but he knew if he didn't stay calm he wouldn't be allowed outside for even longer.

"What game do you want to play when we get outside, Bunny?" Tae asked as he took Jungkook's other hand with a smile. "Capture the flag, tag, hide and seek?" Tae suggested, just trying to give Jungkook some ideas of games that they could play together.

"Um, do you know how to play stuck in the mud?" He asked as he looked over to Taehyung who shook his head a little bit, that wasn't one he had heard of before. "It's like a tag but a little bit different. You have one person who is on but once you're tagged, instead of being on you have to stand still with your arms out and someone has to run under your arm for you to be able to run again. The game ends when everyone is stuck in the mud, the first person to be caught will be on in the next game." Jungkook said, remembering when he played the game in physical education as a child.

"Lets try that game then." Jimin said with a smile. They would probably play a few different games that day and he loved playing new games. "We should play hide and seek tag as well." Jimin said as they entered the kitchen, holding onto Jungkook's hand a little tighter to make sure the smaller male wouldn't suddenly run out and get hurt again.

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