Chapter Sixty One- Find Me

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"How much longer is all of this going to take?" Taehyung demanded, his head pounding for trying so hard to use his gift and it was working but it was taking far more effort than it ever had in the past. Then again he had never tried to use his gifts this hard in the past.

"Tae, we have only been working on this for three days, powers aren't going to be that easy to get back." Yoongi told him as he shifted back to his human form, laying spread out on the grass. He still couldn't even become his usual Suga cat form, he was stuck as a tiny little kitten like the very first time he transformed more than eight hundred years ago. Still, any progress would be better than none, even the smallest bit of progress would be worth it because it would be a step closer to Jungkook.

"We just have to try and be a bit more patient." Namjoon said as he leaned against the tree in the garden, "We can't really rush this, just work our best. Hoseok-Hyung has said that his gift is slowly getting bigger, he said he could still sense us when he got past the old block space so that is something positive, we just have to wait to make our own progress."

"Maybe it's because he is actually using his gift, he's not training it." Jimin suggested as he stopped walking towards the house, "He is using it while we are trying to force our gifts, maybe we need to actually use them. So like me actually needing to shield us from something, Taehyung needing to know someone's emotions to help him, Yoongi-Hyung needing his cat form to gather information, something like that, you needing to read our thoughts for some reason, Jin needing to heal us or someone. Then our gifts have a reason to get stronger." Jimin suggested to Namjoon. "Hoseok-Hyung is using his gifts, not forcing them."

"So we need to actually use them and not train them but how exactly do we do that? What is the difference?" Yoongi said as he sat up and turned to face Jimin more directly.

"I don't know." Jimin said honestly. "But maybe if we just use them in everyday life rather than train them, could that work?" He asked, looking to Namjoon for the answer.

"Yeah, maybe. We can definitely try it." Namjoon said as he pushed himself up, using the tree.

"What if that isn't the answer though? We need a true answer, we can't just guess at it because Jungkook is reliant on this all going perfectly. On us being able to get strong quickly to save him quickly." Taehyung said.

"We'll figure this out, Taehyung, we will get him back soon." Jin said as he joined them. He had been working on his skills in his greenhouse by helping animals he had found that were injured in the forest. It had been going really well for him, his skills were improving and getting stronger every time he used them.

"Jin-Hyung is also proof that you have to be using them properly rather than training them." Yoongi said.

"That still makes no sense." Taehyung said, "If your body was weak you would have to train it to make it stronger, not just use it like normal." He argued despite the evidence, it just didn't make any sense to him.

"You are right but think of it this way, if you broke your leg or something like that, before you start training it to be strong you need it to heal a bit and then use it as normally as possible, not force it." Namjoon said. He was finding it relatively exhausting to constantly explain and justify every thought, idea and opinion to Taehyung. He loved his mate dearly and he knew why Taehyung was clinging to his anger but it didn't make it any easier to deal with.

"Look, we are going to get stronger anytime soon with how we have been going about it so maybe we should just try using them like normal rather than train them, yeah?" Jimin said with a smile.

"Fine." Taehyung said as he got up, "I'm going hunting." He said before he walked away from them, they needed someone to hunt and he needed some time to think anyway.

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