Chapter Ten - The Little Trip

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Jungkook was cold.

He hadn't been cold in days so why was he now?

Why couldn't he feel arms around him like usual? Were none of his Hyungs with him?

Slowly, Jungkook rubbed his eyes and easily sat up, revealing that there truly were none of his Hyungs with him. He was in his own in his room and there was a tiny bit if day light in his room from where the curtain pole met the wall which caused a small gap there.

This was so weird. It may have just been a week since he came here and started living with his Hyungs but in that time he'd gotten used to always having company, always having arms around him, comfort and constant warmth, now it wasn't there.

It's felt wrong. It was weird and there was an aching feeling in his chest caused by it that he just didn't understand.

'Pull yourself together, Jungkook.' he thought to him himself. Why was he so worked up about something so small? It wasn't that significant that they decided to live their life and not watching him sleep or something like that. They probably just all wanted to be together and he was just over reacting. That was all and he understood that.

So why did his chest still hurt and why was he so worried still?

Jungkook sighed and shook his head, getting up off of his bed and heading over to the bathroom. He knew this was a lot earlier than be normally got up since the sun would normally beginning to setting when he woke up but he didn't feel like he could sleep anymore. Maybe it was because he was on his own, he wasn't sure and it made no difference.

Jungkook opened the door to his bathroom and stepped inside, closing and locking it behind him as he started to take his clothes off so that he could have a bath and get a chance to relax and just think things through, so much had happened recently and this was the first time that he's been on his own and conscious enough to think clearly, so that's what he planned on doing. He'd have a bath, calm down, clear his brain and sort himself out.

He turned the tap on and had to make the really hard choice as to weather he wanted to use one of the bubble baths that they had gotten him or one of the bath bombs. He loved both a lot so he really wasn't sure what to chose but in the end he felt a bit childish and decided he wanted to bathe in pink water so he chose the pink love heart shaped bath bomb and waited for the bath to finish filling so that he could get in.

The second Jungkook sat in the bath and relaxed in the water he knew he had made the right choice to have a bath. It was relaxing his aching muscles and he felt like he could finally, calmly and with the privacy of no Namjoon or Taehyung, sort through his thoughts and let his emotions spiral. So, with that in mind he let his brain wander and think about each and every scenario that has happened over the past few days. 

The list didn't seem to end no matter how much he thought. There weren't loads of supper significant events, only three that sounded all that significant from an outside prospective but to Jungkook, the smallest of events seemed extremely significant to him.  The first thing that happened was the bite which had hurt so much more than anything in his life up to date but it had lead to so much happening in his life

First he slept for a whole twenty four hours which was very disorientating for him as it was weird to wake up after that long and it had worried him to still be tired after that length of time. Next was the fact that he'd been surrounded by complete strangers who had been watching him and hugging him and it was honestly very weird for him and kind of frightening and it was what first started the conflict between his brain and instincts. Hi brain had told them they were strangers and they could hurt him while his instincts made him want to cuddle up against them and live the rest of eternity in their arms and never move. That wasn't something he had even managed to get over yet either.  Then he fell asleep, again, for was  what probably at least another twelve hours. Only to wake up and hurt Jimin despite the fact that Jimin had probably been hugging him all of that day to give him some sort of comfort  during all of this. 

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