Chapter Sixty Five - Let's Go

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"Namjoon!" Jin shouted as he was pushed out the way by the mind reader, the unbonded colliding with his mate as he saw the beast sink his fangs into his mate's neck and heard the cry of pain that left Namjoon as both fell to the ground.

Jin froze for less than a second before grabbing his own dagger and stabbing it deep into the heart of the unbonded that was trying to feed on Namjoon. He hadn't expected Namjoon to jump in the way to save him, although thinking about it he probably should have.

Once the beast was dead Jin kneeled down by Namjoon and checked the bite on his neck, managing to quickly heal the wound that it caused, "Are you okay?" He asked Namjoon as he helped him stand up, his mate looking a little less than steady on his feet and Jin was pretty sure it was the shock that had him that way.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." Namjoon said, his brain replaying the feeling of the unbonded biting into him again and again on a vicious repeat and all he could think of was how his maknae's had to feel that disgusting invasive action so many times and he wasn't quite sure how Taehyung and Jimin were as okay as they were and he couldn't being to think of how Jungkook might be feeling that very second. "Let's just get out as quick as we can." He said.

Jin nodded and went to where most of the Park nest were, all hugging each other. If he could, he would give them more time just to enjoy being close to each other but the longer they stayed the more at risk they all were. "We need to go as fast as we can." He said as he stepped into the room.

MJ looked towards him and nodded, slowly standing up, "Come on." He said to his mates with a small smile as he helped Sanha get up and started to walk towards the door. He knew Jin was right, the longer they stayed the more likely they were to be caught and they couldn't afford that to happen because Sanha was in no condition to fight and it wouldn't be easy to keep him safe and not get hurt.

It didn't take long for them all to get up and join Namjoon who was still standing just outside the cell that Sanha had been kept in. His attention was solely on trying to pick up on the thoughts of anyone anywhere near them, hoping that they might be able to avoid fighting too many unbonded.

They walked as quickly and quietly as they possibly could through the winding tunnels, Namjoon trying to pick out the thoughts of the unbonded before they were too close. It was hard though with all the thoughts the Park nest had, all the happy images of being reunited with their maknae. Namjoon knew that in a couple of minutes he could have Jungkook in his arm and by the time the sun was rising he would be able to curl up with all his mates in their nest room, yet he couldn't help the bitter green demon known as jealousy from raising its uggly head as he heard their thoughts. He wanted Jungkook with him now, and he knew it was irrational but that didn't make dealing with the emotion any easier.

"Not long now, Joonie." Jin said as he saw Namjoon cast a glance back towards the Park nest. He didn't need Tae's gift to know how his mates were feeling most of the time. After over a thousand years of life and almost six hundred years, he knew when his mates felt envy or when they were struggling. "Then we can have loads of yummy food and plenty of cuddles and kisses and just be whole again." he said as quietly as he could not wanting to get them caught but he needed to say this out loud to him because he knew there was always a comfort that came from hearing the words out loud rather than just reading someone's mind, Namjoon had told him many time just how different it was.

"I know." Namjoon said with a small nod as he kept walking forward, he needed to get control of himself before he ran off to join with his other mates, he couldn't risk people getting hurt or worse just because he wanted to be with Jungkook quicker.

"If anyone appears just stay behind us." Hoseok told Jungkook as they walked through the tunnel that they were heading for the exit so they could finally go home. He was sure after some training Jungkook would be more than capable of defending himself should the need ever arise, although they would all work to make sure that need never arouse, but currently Jungkook didn't have the training and with only a bit of Yoongi's blood in the nestling's starved body it wouldn't be a good idea.

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