Chapter Twenty Two- Velveteen Rabbit

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"Why couldn't I pick him up earlier?" Seokjin said as he watched their three Maknae sleep in the middle of the four of them. They couldn't really sleep right now, they were worried about what had gotten their Maknae worked up and it kept them awake.

"They had told Jungkook about that," Namjoon said as he ran his hand through Tae's hair and smiled sadly at the sleeping boy, "They had upset themselves with the memory and their bond reacted to it, tying them tighter to each other in a way of reassuring all free of them for a short time, had you pulled them away at the time it would of caused a bigger shock for them which they didn't need." Namjoon said.

"They're never going to actually get over it, are they?" Hoseok said with a frown. Over two hundred years of love, at the very least and a few weeks was still scaring it. There was no resentment between any of them, or lack of love, no lack of trust but the memory was always there, a lingering reminder to all of them just how much they needed each other, how they couldn't ever leave each other. Not that they wanted to but it would be nice to at least have a day out once in a while without leaving the rest of the nest to be anxious of one's return. It is why they had curfews and such, so that the others couldn hopefully know that they were all okay.

"Probably not. The panic seemed to be attached to our bond, not just our memories. You saw Jungkook's reaction, it was a minor fear of them going away and not coming back, it was the same level of panic as we had, plus he's never comfortable when anyone leaves, more to than any of us were like when we were nestling." Yoongi said from where he was, leaning against Jin, out of all of them he was the only one who seemed tired but even he wouldn't sleep, not until their youngests woke up and they could see if they were settled and okay.

"Just sleep, Yoongi, I'll wake you up when they wake up." Jin encouraged as he saw just how exhausted his first mate was. "They're completely fine and settled, you can see that. So please get some sleep, Kitten." He said as he ran a hand through Yoongi's hair, getting a purr from him as he cuddled into Jin even more. He always put up a strong front but combined a bad situation and a loving mate and he was the softest person around.

"Okay." He mumbled, already half asleep as he rested his head on Jin's lap and lightly closed his eyes as he felt Jin's fingers running through his hair. He wasn't quite sure he could sleep, he wanted to see his mates happy, not frightened like when they fell asleep.

"Sleep, Honey, they're fine." Namjoon said with a small smile as he heard Yoongi's thoughts, "They're happily dreaming and I'll wake them up if the dreams turn unpleasant, you know I will." Namjoon said, wanting to reassure his hyung so Yoongi would get some sleep. They all needed it but Namjoon felt a greater need to stay up and watch the dreams of his Maknae as the last thing they needed now was to have a nightmare or something like that. "I can keep an eye on them if you two want to sleep." Namjoon offered, not wanting anyone to miss on sleep if they didn't have to.

"It's okay, we'll just have a lazy day so we don't need to sleep right now, we can just sleep later and keep you company now." Hoseok said, not seeming the littlest bit tired, he rarely did, he was always awake and happy around his mates.

"We can just stay up together." Jin agreed as he continued to play with Yoongi's to keep their cat shifter peaceful and relaxed as he slept.

Between Tae and Jimin, Jungkook began to wake up, moving about a little bit which made them both cling a little tighter to their littlest mate who seemed to be rather restless as he woke up from his short sleep.

"Kookie, go back to sleep, baby, you need more rest." Hoseok said as he saw Jungkook's eyes beginning to open and he slowly sat up, Jimin and Taehyung holding tighter as he rose from his lying position. "Bsby, aren't you still tired?" Hoseok asked him to take Jungkook from Tae and Jimin, putting Jungkook on his lap and holding the waking boy up and rubbing up and down his back, hoping to settle him and make him go back to sleep since he would need it.

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