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Two hours.

It had been two freaking hours and we hadn't gotten to our destination yet. I tried asking but he wouldn't budge. Then I thought to myself, maybe he'd tell me when I got him to crack.

"Are we there yet?"

He tightened his grip on the steering wheel and his jaw ticked  but the look on his face was calm. "You know, that's the umpteenth time you've asked me this question". He relaxed his hold on the steering wheel and let out a chuckle. "Just chill, we're almost there. Besides, if I tell you where we're heading, it wouldn't be much of a surprise now, would it?"

I shook my head and sighed, "No. I guess not".

"Good to know we're on the same page", he gave me a fleeting glance and smiled at me. "Now chill, okay?"

He gripped my thighs gently with one hand and I wanted to choke from the shock.

"We're here!" He announced with a big grin on his face.

I looked out my window and took in the scenic landscape and a big grin split on my face.

"Gaspard..." I was speechless. Gaspard freaking Bastien just freaking brought me to Olympic Village! No guy had ever taken me out on a date or anywhere for that matter but Gaspard... he brought me to one of the most beautiful places here in Vancouver.

He got out of the car and opened my door for me with a dramatic bow that made me blush.

"Thanks". He intertwined our fingers and led the way.

"So", he started as he childishly swung our hands. "What do you think?"

This is fucking awesome! "This is amazing and pretty much the best thing anyone has ever done for me!"


"Yeah", I nodded. "I've never had the chance to come here. Feels nice".

"Why didn't you just go with your family or your friends?"

"In my family, we don't do outings and as for friends, well... I didn't have many, just Ingrid at the time but we never got the chance to come here".

"How come?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I guess we just didn't have the time".

He nodded and gave my hand a little squeeze. "How about we walk around a bit? Enjoy the scenery some more. Sound good?"

"Sounds like a plan!"


Gaspard and I had at least three choices. It was either we took the trip to Olympic village on water via ferry or kayak, ride the SkyTrain or bike the sea wall.

We picked the kayak.

Once we got in, I couldn't help myself. I reached down and dipped my hand into the water. Rookie mistake.

"Shit!" I yelped and quickly retracted my hand. It was cold. Very, very, cold.

He threw his head back and laughed. I glared.

He burst out laughing, raising his hands in surrender. "What? You should've known better".

The kayak ride was perfect. At some point when I was so caught up in everything, Gaspard had splashed some water at me. Of course I had to get back at him and then it turned to an all-out splash attack. It was fun while it lasted and then we finally got to False Creek.

The sight took my breath away.

He squeezed my hands gently and smiled down at me. "You ready?"

"Yes, I am".

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