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DATE: November 2nd, 2014.
TIME:  02:10am
     Dear diary,
                Dad's back! He'd been a no-show for weeks on end and he just arrived. Just like that! Aaron was pissed and I was confused. I didn't know what to feel or how to feel. My emotions were all over the place. On one hand I was glad to know he was still alive and well (he's still my dad so I have to care) and on the flip side, I felt all manners of ways at the thought of the worry and heartache he put my mom through. Sure we cared as his kids but not more than mom. She deserves much more than that.
               Once he pulled up at his favourite parking spot in our home (by the water fountain), I instantly stiffened, like my whole body could forsee what was to come. And trust me when I tell you that shit went down.
                 Aaron went ballistic! Mr Marvin (dad's driver) didn't even get the chance to fully open up the door for dad when Aaron yanked him out and punched him right in the face. Things were getting out of hand and what was worse was the fact that the only person strong enough to calm Aaron wasn't around. Ian had gone on a trip to somewhere in Europe for a photo shoot and poor Mr Marvin couldn't do anything about what was going on.
                   The chaos woke mom up and she nearly lost her shit when she saw dad's screwed face and Aaron's bloody knuckles.
                  Dad was all  like "I just want to talk to you, Rosio" and Aaron was like "Fuck outta here, we dont need you!"  then dad started playing the victim card, Aaron spat insults at him and mom finally lost her shit and just caved. She and dad went to talk in the den while Aaron, who was still so mad, locked himself up in his room. When I heard the sound of glass shattering, I concluded my brother was a nutcase. I had to apologize to Mr Marvin and even gave him all of Lolita's leftover lasagna. He didn't need to be dragged into our family drama.
                I haven't slept because for one , Aaron's still breaking things and second, I'm way too keyed up from everything that happened tonight.
              Funny how I'm just realizing that my family is way more fucked than I thought it was.
Till next time,


I stared back at the pale-skinned, blue-eyed brunette in the mirror. She was in her blue bra and flower print boxers, thinking of what to wear and how to style her hair.

She was me.

I had never done this before because I never had a reason to until I kissed Gaspard Bastien and just started to feel self conscious about my appearance at five in the morning.

I thought of asking mom for help but I thought against it. It wouldn't be wise of me. What would be though was putting on some decent clothes so my nipples wouldn't freeze because boy was it cold!

I gave myself a once-over and just gave up. Scouring my closet didn't work because I had realized that I didn't have any clean shirts or sweaters since yesterday was laundry day.

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