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DATE : November 26th, 2014.
TIME : 02:00 am
Dear diary,
                     I can't sleep. I've been up since I got back from the water park with Gaspard.
                     Earlier tonight, I kissed Cullen. Can you believe it?! It sounds so unreal right? Well it happened and damnit, why don't I feel an ounce of regret for cheating on Gaspard?
                     Okay so to be clear, I did have a (tinsy) MAJOR crush on Cullen but with time I had outgrown it so I guess it means I'm totally over him except after the kiss I realized I'm not and even though I lie to myself and him, I most definitely cannot ignore the way his smile gives me raging butterflies and the way his lips on mine made my knees buckle like crazy back there. I also cant ignore how hot I find it whenever he puts his frizzy hair in a man bun, a ponytail or however he wears it. Oh and his laugh; the mere sound gives me joy - I know that sounds weird, but only I know what I mean. God, I can't deny the fact that everything Cullen does makes me melt. I've always been pulled to him; his eyes, his curly mass of hair, his spice and peppermint scent, his personality, his vibe, all of him. I'm into all of Cullen Parks. Though, these feelings have to be kept at bay because of the prevalent circumstances.
               I mean, I really like Gaspard. I've liked him since the freaking seventh grade and I like him even more now that we're dating. I just dont know why I dont exactly feel remorseful about cheating on him when I know I'm meant to.
                Anyway, I've decided to NEVER tell anyone about the kiss I shared with Cullen. Yep, I'm not even gonna tell my brothers. This is a major secret that I believe if word gets out, I'll be in the deepest of all shits. I can't risk anything. I'm just gonna bury it like water under the bridge and the two of us are gonna move on with our lives and keep this behind us. Most likely forever.
               Okay, now I'm actually feeling sleepy.
Till later,


I was called to the Principal's office. Dad was there. Mom was there. I was in trouble!

My nervousness seeped into my body language. I was shaking so I resorted to playing with my fingers, biting my lips and trying my hardest to suppress my lunch of mashed potatoes and fish just in case it wanted to make an appearance. This would be a very inappropriate time to puke on Principal Lackely's red bottoms.

"Have a seat, would you, Miss Lakes". Principal Lackely had motioned for me to sit on the chair which was in between my parents. Great.

Principal Lackely was a middle aged man that made everyone who crossed paths with him at this institution wonder when he'd retire. His balding scalp and poor dentition were enough proof. However, he shocked all who met him with his sprightly deportment and of course, his young heart. His kind blue eyes and bubbly personality would win anyone over so yeah, we all liked him. The only time anyone so much as disliked him was when he meted out punishments or was in his Principal-ish element. In that case, students would hate the old man's guts. Kind of like me at the moment. I wasn't enjoying Lackely one bit.

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