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DATE: November 23rd, 2014.
TIME: 09: 50pm
Dear diary,
                      Lately, I've been having nightmares and in these nightmares, I see my diary, posters, people guffawing, the Kahunas, Cullen and Ingrid.
                    I dont know what to make out of them. It disturbs me; the images from the nightmares invade my thoughts and it got so bad at some point that I was afraid of sleeping at night. Insomia isn't a joke, trust me.
            Since Aaron's been a prick nowadays and since Cullen and me are practicing distance, I confided in Ian. He was really helpful. We discussed the subject of the dreams and began to analyze it. Though we weren't able to crack the nut, I did get to learn from Ian that a dream is a mere fantasy of the brain; a recapture of the mind's roving. And then I realized that the one thing that has been swirling in my head is Rania. Well, not her exactly but her threat from a few months back.
                The fear she had instilled still has it's effects on me and even though she's apologized, it's fucking me up and tinting my dreams.
                Sometimes, I ask myself if she truly has buried the hatchet or is just waiting for the right moment to hit.


Gaspard has been taking me on dates nonstop. Last week, he took me to the movies - cliché but sweet - and since then he's been surprising me with romantic consecutive dates.

I know I cant ever forget yesterday's date. He took me to the park and we had a picnic with sandwiches and sodas. Yeah, it was mega corny but I liked it. I loved every single minute of it and I bet he liked it too. 'Cause why else would he kiss me for so long?

"Miss Lakes". She signalled me to come to her desk.

Shit! I was called out again!

I got up from my seat, surprised no one was present but me and Mrs Julius, my Honors English teacher. I didn't even notice when class had ended.

Looping my fingers around the clutch of my backpack, I swallowed hard as I nervously made my way to Mrs Julius' table. Her left brow was perked up in such a you're-in-deep-shit kind of way that made my insides knot.

"You're failing miserably", she stated, getting straight to the point. She pulled open her drawers then slammed several pieces of papers on her desk and narrowed her eyes at me. "Care to explain".

She handed me the papers and all I saw was red. Literally. I flinched. These were my scores in the past pop quizzes she gave us and some assignments. Shit, how did this happen?

"I-". I didn't know what to say. Hell, I didn't even notice my grades were slipping.

She raised her right brow at me and pulled her lips into a firm line. "I'm highly disappointed in you". I winced but she continued. "For some reason only you know, you are relenting and if you keep up with this inertness, I'm afraid I'll have to drop you from this class".

I gulped as my throat suddenly constricted. "I'll work on it ma'am".

She pursed her lips. "You had better". Then she dismissed me.

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