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In Thornsden Secondary College, everyone wanted to stand out.

We were bound by school uniforms so in one way or the other, each student wanted to stick out from the crowd however they could by altering their uniforms to suit their taste.

In this case, the saying, The way you dress is the way you'll be addressed totally fits the students of Thornsden.

So it was relatively easy to spot certain people here which was why when I heard my name after school, I was able to pin a face to the voice.

"Guys, I'll be back", I told Koa and Charmaine.

School was out and all the students were slowly clearing out. Some were leant against the hoods of their cars, some were trooping into the school bus and some were going to trek it home.

I sighted Sutton standing next to his sleek red Coupe. He had his arms draped over Ivy who shot daggers at me before I had even gotten to stand in front of them.

"Hello", I chirped at them both.

Ivy really couldn't stand me - not that I could blame her, seeing as I had threatened her friend in the girls locker room a couple of weeks ago . She stomped her way into the car, gave me the stink eye and slammed the door shut.

I grinned. "Isn't she charming?"

"So sorry about her", he said. "I think she still needs some time getting used to you".

"So why'd you call me?"

"Right", he said, digging his hands into his tawny hair. "Caden and I are planning on throwing a little get together. You in? It was his idea to invite you, by the way and I'm definitely down with it".

I smiled. This was a perfect opportunity to commence my revenge against Maite.

I tilted my head in Ivy's direction. She was seething in the car, cheeks tainted a deep red.

"Are your other friends cool with me coming?"

"I dont see why not", he replied in a heartbeat. "Besides, we all think you're cool". I gave him a look and he chuckled. "Okay most of us".

I didn't want him to know how eager I was for this little get together.

"I dont know though..."

Sutton took my hand in his and gave me that his signature toothy smile. "Please? At least just think about it and give me a ca-"

The sound of a car horn pierced through our conversation and seemed to grab the attention of some passer-by students. It was Ivy and I just to roll my eyes.

Sutton was about to speak but I cut him off with a smile. "I'll get back to you". And then I walked back to my friends.

"What was that about?" Koa asked, eyes narrowed at Sutton's red Coupe driving away.

Charmaine pushed herself off Koa's small truck and got in, scooting over for me. We threw our school bags in the back seat and buckled up our seatbelts as Koa stepped on the gas.

"You didn't answer my question", Koa said as she eased into the traffic.

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. "It's nothing. Sutton just invited me over to hang out".

"Just him?" Charmaine asked.

I shook my head. "His friends too".

Koa licked her lips and shot me a quick glance. "So what'd you say?"

"That I'd get back to him".

Charmaine perked up a brow. "Does that mean...?"

"I dont know, Char", I said, looking out the window. "But maybe I will take him up on his offer".

Koa took a sharp turn, making my head jam into the window slightly.

"What the fuck, Koa?" Charmaine gasped, clutching her sweater-clad chest.

Koa ran her fingers through her taupe curls. "Bay, those guys are bad news. I would turn down the offer if I were you".

I rolled my eyes. "Koa it's nothing serious. Probably just movies and what? Pizza or something".

"That's not the point", she said tensely. "Sutton, the Cassius twins, fucking Maite Sallow. They're all bad news".

I sighed, rubbing the now throbbing spot on my head. "Koa. I appreciate you looking out for me but you dont have to worry about Maite hurting me or anything, okay? I can take care of myself".

We pulled up in front of Charmaine's house.

Charmaine's parents were as nice as she was. Her mother always implored us to call her by her first name, Claire and her sweet dad, Nigel always welcomed us to their home with freshly baked raisin cinnamon buns. Her mother was a teacher and her father was a house husband (do people call it that?).

Claire and Nigel would always smile and it would be like a burst of sunlight. They didn't today though.

Claire frowned. "You're bleeding, honey".

When I realized she was talking to me, my hands darted to the aching spot on my head. I retracted my fingers only to find it wet, sticky and red.

"Shit", Koa muttered under her breath.

"Char, love, take Bayla to the washroom and clean her up, will you?" Nigel said softly.

Charmaine gently tugged on my arm. "Let's go".

"Bay, I'm so sorry", Koa said, grayish green eyes wide, former temper dwindling.

"What exactly happened?" Claire asked, guiding Koa to the living room.

"It was a mistake..."

Their voices faded out as Charmaine and I were locked in her bathroom.

She ushered me to sit on the toilet seat.

"Koa has it hard holding in her anger", she started as she got on her tip toes and reached for the first aid kit. "Or her emotions generally".

I folded my arms across my chest. "Any reason why she was particularly angry about me hanging out with Sutton and co?"

Charmaine rinsed her hands, picked out a gauze, ran it under the tap and used it to clean the cut on my head.

When I winced, she apologized. "I'm not really sure. Koa isn't one to rattle off about her life, more so her personal life so if you're asking whether she's got something against them then I don't have an answer".

I chewed on the inside of my mouth. Maybe at the get together, I can execute my plan and find out if maybe Koa has some personal beef with any of the guys.

"But what do you think about me going?" I asked her, looking up to meet her brown eyes. "Do you also think it's a bad idea?"

Charmaine bit her lip and shrugged lightly. "Honestly? I dont know. I think you should do what you want. Besides, it's not like Maite could like actually kill you. You'll be surrounded by lots of people you could ask for help". I laughed. "There. All done!"


"I'll be in the living room when you're ready, yeah?"

When Charmaine left, I pulled out my phone from my breast pocket and slid through the contacts. Once I spotted that shit nickname, I typed out a message.

>>> hey :) so about that get together thing? count me in.

dagger: okayyyy! i'll come pick you up saturday, some time at night idk. dress pretty ;)

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