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DATE:September 22nd, 2014.
    Dear diary,
    I don't know if it's just me but ever since I had lunch with the Kahunas, Gaspard has seemed to take notice of me.
  Yesterday, when I was eating lunch with Cullen (he's decided to be my lunch buddy-at least till Ingrid shows up), I caught Gaspard staring at me intently.
  He stared at me that same way when the Kahunas sat with me and though I'm not complaining, it just seems weird.
   I won't bullshit myself by thinking he likes me. Maybe there was a nasty booger hanging out my nose and that's what he was staring at that day. Then yesterday, he was probably looking at me weirdly because of the way I was eating.
   I pig-eat so maybe that's what caught his attention.
    I'm just gonna conclude with that.
   Till next time...


Ingrid made an appearance.

She walked through the halls, her heels clicking against the floors, announcing her presence. Her blonde hair swished from side to side as she sashayed to her locker.

All eyes were on her.

A few guys had their mouths hanging open, some girls glared at her with envy while the rest of the student body watched her completely awe-struck.

Her eyes were a brighter shade of blue. And then she smiled at me. I was going to say something but she just walked past me.

I clutched my books to my chest and looked down at my shoes. My best friend just ignored me. But I couldn't go unnoticed. I walked over to her as she was getting out her books from her locker.

"Grids". The nickname sucked ass but she liked it anyway.

She sported a half smile, shut the locker and turned to look at me.

God, she looked so good in that romper.

"Bayla", she replied with this condescending smile. And since when did she start calling me Bayla?

"Nice of you to show up three weeks late", I joked but she didn't laugh. I coughed and tried again. "Where were you in all of Canada? You completely ghosted me throughout the holiday".

She hung her handbag on her shoulder and started walking away.

With her back turned to me, she said, "Sorry. I changed my number".

I started walking after her.

"You could've called me with the new one".

She quickened her pace like she was trying to get away from me.

"I forgot".

The warning bell was jingled. It was then she turned to look at me, bringing me to a halt.

Her expression was void of any emotion. What was left was that off putting smile. That obnoxious, condescending smile.

She placed a hand on my shoulder. "Bayla. I had so much on my plate these past months and just didn't have time for anyone, not even my mom. It was such a big thing for me, you know? No one understands. But you understand, right?"

I didn't know what to make of her words. I mean I did understand her drive to get fit given the heavy body shaming we both faced but... Ingrid and I have been friends since the seventh grade. So because she just happened to shave off a few pounds and get rid of her braces, she decided to toss me to the side?
"Yeah". I replied biting my lip. "I totally understand".

She smiled and palmed my cheeks, "I knew you would".

And like that she walked away, leaving my cheeks cold without her warm hand.

The bell was jingled but somehow, my feet were glued to the floor.


I made it to the end of the day.

Ingrid didn't sit with me at lunch. It was just me and Cullen and though I was grateful, I was hurt.

Ingrid sat with the Kahunas. I bet they don't remember she was the fat fuck they bullied last year.

I barely paid attention in any of my  classes. I still couldn't wrap my head around the whole shebang. Ingrid ditched me for popularity. It was as simple as that yet so difficult to completely comprehend.

"Are you okay?" Cullen brought me out of my train of thoughts.

I looked up at him and reality hit me hard. He was the only friend I had, if I could call someone that sits with me at lunch and drives me home after school a friend.

My lips quivered but I bit them hard, drawing blood. I couldn't cry in front of Cullen.

We were outside school, heading to his car when he stopped walking and asked, "What's wrong?"

His brows dipped and his thumb caught a stray tear that fell down my cheeks. I didn't even realize I started crying already.

I sniffed, "I'm fine".

"Something's bothering you and it's okay if you don't wanna tell me but please don't lie to me". His voice was really soft.

This was stupid, really. I was crying over someone who didn't give a shit about me. I had to stop. She wasn't worth it.

I shook my head at him and he smiled, dropping it.

We got to the black Mercedes and as I was about to open the car door, Cullen reached for it and opened it for me. I gave a weak smile to show my gratitude.

He pulled out of the school's parking lot and soon we were on the road. Traffic was favourable today so we were close to my home. Except when we reached my street, Cullen swerved the other way.

"Uhm, we just passed my..."

"I know", he replied smoothly.

It was his car and I had no say. Besides, my parents would be home late and none of my siblings would be home except Aaron and that's if he's not out with friends. I'd most likely be home alone wallowing in self pity. Not like I would mind that.

Cullen pulled up in front of an Ice cream shop and I furrowed my brows at him.

"What're we doing here?"

He got out of the car and helped me out.

He looked down at me with his beautiful eyes and with a smile that made my heart skip a few beats, he replied, "We're here to have some ice cream".

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