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It was safe to say that I was completely and utterly wasted.

Gaspard and I talked baselessly. He told me tidbits about himself too. He has a liking for poetry and reading generally and a phobia of small spaces. That much my intoxicated brain could process.

"Lemme go get us some more drinks, eh?"

My legs were wobbly as I made my way to the punch table. I began pouring myself a cup. Gaspard said he didn't want any.

"You look pretty", she said.

I looked up at her. She had her blonde locks in a ponytail and was adorned in a cropped tank top, denim cut offs and heeled boots.

"You clean up nice as well".

I didn't look at Ingrid when I replied, I just kept pouring my punch into my cup, with no success as my shaky hands made the punch spill over.

"Here, let me help".

I wanted to shrug her off but I didn't have the energy to. She poured me a cup but my vision was a bit blurred so I couldn't really see her. I couldn't even make out Gaspard's face properly. I didn't say thanks when she handed me my drink because she didn't deserve it. She smiled at me - an off putting smile at that. I gave her a curt nod and began to stagger my way back to the French boy.

Gaspard smiled as I plopped down next to him. Some song was playing now. I think it's by Jeremih.

I sipped my drink, now loving the burn. After licking my lips, savoring the fruity taste of the unnamed punch, I focused on the green hue of his eyes. Then I remembered something.

"Is it true your dick is almost the size of an elephant's trunk?"

His reaction to my crude question was priceless. His eyes widened and his mouth was left hanging for some seconds before he finally regained his composure. To an extent.

I chuckled, "It's just that I hear rumours around a lot. I think last week, I heard some girls in my French class talking about  a girl you fucked. One said the girl told her that she nearly choked to death while deep throating you because of how colossal your dick is".

I think I should be drinking alcohol on a daily basis. This bravery is the shit.

Gaspard's lips curved into the sexiest smile I have ever seen as he slowly leaned closer to me.

He whispered softly into my ears, "Would you rather I tell you or show you?"

"Like hell he will!"

Gaspard's head and mine shot up to the interruption. Gaspard got up, saying things I couldn't make out over the loud music and my maudlin brain.

Cullen stood there with arms folded across his chest and his lips pulled into a straight line, his slightly bushy brows arched.

He closed the distance with two strides and yanked me up. I heard him huff as he lightly pushed Gaspard out of our way. Gaspard was too drunk to do shit about it. I tried to fight myself free from Collin's - I mean Cullen's strong hold but my attempts were useless. We were already outside the house. The cold air slapped me in the face and I felt dizzy.

Cullen came to a stop and eyed me angrily, "I leave you alone for a couple of hours and then I find you throwing yourself at some senior?" He looked at me in disgust. "What's gotten into you?"

My legs were going weak with each second that passed and I felt like I was gonna throw up.

"You're not the boss of me Collin", I reached out to ruffle his hair but lost my balance and stumbled into him. My hands were now clutching the collar of his jacket for lack of stamina. He was worried when he looked down at me, holding me for support. "You said I should have fun cause it's fucking 2015", I chuckled. "I mean 2014".

Cullen carried me, bridal style and I was giggling uncontrollably because right now, he had two heads. I tightened my arms around his neck and sniffed his t-shirt as I swung my legs back and forth. He smelled so good.

First Gaspard flirted with me and now Collin- Cullen literally swept me off my feet. I'm living my best life!

He dumped me gently in the back seat and looked me over with squinted eyes.

"How much did you have to drink?"

I started counting on my fingers then gave up when I saw ten fingers on one hand.

I sighed and sat up, looking at Collin's hovering figure. "The question is not how much I drank but how much I'm meant to drink as a human being".

Cullen stood straight, looked heavenward and dragged a hand across his face. I think I heard him mutter Good Lord. The look he gave me was funny. And I don't even know why.

"You're not making sense. Who gave you your drink?"

"Let's see". I started. "First it was you, then Gaspard and we had a lot to drink then at some point it was Ingrid. She's stupid". I finished with a frown.
My vision was getting distorted, my eyelids were droopy and the need to throw up was bad.

Collin assesed me, "Bay how many fingers am I holding up?"

Once the salty liquid filled my mouth, I puked on Collin's shoes.

"Shit!" was the last thing I heard him mutter before my eyelids clamped shut.


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