1 ● Pancakes! ● 1

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There is a legend. A legend how our land became the way it is now. Eight different kingdoms, all led by different kings. But it wasn't that simple. When is it ever simple?

About twenty five years ago, our land was one kingdom but it was led by an evil king. All he ever wanted was money and power. But then eight brave boys decided they will turn against the king and defeat him. And they succeded indeed. The old king died because of given injuries and boys that soon became men, divided the land in eight same pieces. The only unowned land was named No one's Island in the middle of The Forgotten Lake. Each man led their kingdom how he knew. It was supposed to be a happy ending.

But it wasn't. One of the kings took a turn to the dark side and changed but no one knew why. They all were best friends but suddenly became the enemies. The other kings didn't dare to bother him so it stayed how it was. Seven bright and one dark kingdom.

But that's not the story for today.

I woke up but against my will. Maybe I was woken up by soft rays of sun shining through the curtains, maybe the beautiful chirping of birds woke me up. Or maybe...

"Give that back, you ass!"

"No! I found it first!"

"It was laying on my bed!"

"I don't care!"

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock on my night stand. 9 AM! Seriously!? I groaned and covered my face with a pillow beside my head. It's freaking 9 in the morning and they're already shouting!

I then sat up in my bed and streched. I stood up and went to the full body mirror to check if I look presentable in my short-sleeved t-shirt and shorts since it was spring and it gets really hot at night. I once came out looking like Anna from Frozen and they still have that pictures for black mailing.

After I figured I look good enough, I headed out of my room and headed straight to the Boring room. It's a room where we go when we're really bored so we named it the Boring room. And since my brothers are too lazy to practice at 9 AM, I knew they'll be there. While I was walking there, I could hear screams getting louder which meant I'm on the right path. I barged in the room and the scene inside didn't even surprise me.

San was on the floor with his hands behind his back because he was probably hiding the thing that Han wanted. Speaking of him, Han was on top of San and it looked like he was choking him. While there was a mess going on in the middle of the room, beside one of the walls was seated Tatiana on a bean bag, peacefully reading her comic. I was surprised she was up so early. When I stepped inside the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at my angry face.

"Do you two even know what's the time now in this castle?!?!?"

"Well, good morning to you too sis-OW!" Han was pushed on the floor by San and the black haired male quickly waved at me before running away from Han who was already on his feet. I just stared at them before shaking my head and sat on the bean bag beside Tatianas.

"Morning, middle." She greeted me without looking up from her comic.

"Morning, newborn." I sighed.

I watched my brothers running around and tripping more than once. I turned to Tatiana.

"What are they doing?"

The Royals / ATEEZ Mingi ffWhere stories live. Discover now