73 ● She's The One ● 73

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I listened to the story carefully and gave my honest reaction to anything. I felt so bad for Felix and Mingi and I couldn't believe my dad could do something like this. He had to have a reason, right?

But Felix wasn't having the same thoughts as me. He was glaring at everyone, especially my father. His glare was full of hatered, anger and many more negative emotions.

While he had all this feelings pent up in him, the rest of royals were shocked and confused. Dad was looking at him with wide eyes and if I know him well, I think he's regretting his actions right now. His eyes were really full of regret and he didn't know what to say. He was literally speechless.

Felix only scoffed. "What? Cat got your tongue?"

Dad finally got out of his shocking state and shook his head, taking small steps towards his former best friend. "Listen, I can explain. This was all a big misunderstanding!"

"Ha! Misunderstanding my ass! You planned this, all of it! Till the very last second, you knew how it would end and you wanted it to end that way. Heejoon told me everything." Felix raged out, his eyes burning red.

"And you would believe a words of your enemy more than your friends of long years?" Suddenly Woojin said, sending Felix a little judging look.

It could be seen the dark King was taken aback. His face changed and his eyes widened now too. "No... I just... don't want to hear your excuses. I bet they're lame and not even real."

"But I do." Everyone turned to Mingi who had pleading look on his face and in his eyes. He was looking from my dad back to his for a few seconds until his gaze stopped on Felix. "Please." He said breathlessly.

His dad became flustred and looked at the ground for a split second before lifting his gaze up, gaining his confidence. "Fine. Explain yourself, I guess."

My father's face lit up a little but he quickly calmed down. "He said that he has one final wish before his death, his death wish. And according to the book I studied from, Code of Chivalry, a royal knight should respect the Kings wish and help make it true. His wish was weird, I must admit that. But I had to respect it and I fullfield what he wanted.

His wish was for me to throw some weird-looking bottle off of Music Cliff. Unfortunalty, I didn't know what it contained. If I knew it was a cure for your wife and Mingi's mom, believe me Felix, I would NEVER throw it. I feel so bad and very, very sorry. I didn't even have a reason to hate you. You were my australian little brother, the bestest friend I ever had." My dad explained and pleaded, almost falling on his knees.

Felix's face was neutral at first but then when he heard my father's words, his face totally changed. And when I say I was surprised and shocked like never before at the emotions showing on his face, I'm not kidding.

I've never seen so much regret, sadness and cofusion on his face. His evil facade finally fell and his eyes glistred from tears that were about to fall. Meanwhile Mingi almost mirrored his face, except his was a little more happier.

He was smiling a little when he turned to me, raising confusing on my end. "...what?" I slowly asked and his tears fell but he only smiled and wiped them away.

"I just realised... our love is not wrong." And with that, he hugged me really, really tight. But I wasn't complaining. I was surprised but sooner than later, my face lit up too and I hugged him back, realizing what he meant.

He was afraid because he probably couldn't be with me if my dad really murdered his mom but nothing of that happened. The ending was finally revealed and now everything was clear.

Well, at least I thought so. No one knew what to say and everyone was just looking at eachother. But Seungmin's brains were going thousand miles per hour because some things related to this story just wouldn't leave him alone. So he spoke his thoughts.

"Heejoon said that throwing away that bottle was his last wish. And he probably knew how much... Mina means to Felix." The Haehaa King carefully picked out his words and watched as Felix's face changed when he heard his dead wife's name. "He knew Felix was ready to risk it all for his lover and while Heejoon was still in charge of the whole Land, it was never peaceful.

I'm guessing he loved it when people fought against eachother for no real reason. And he wanted that to keep happening after his death too. So he made a master plan, a plan only the biggest Einstein or The Joker would create." Seungmin still went on, watching as our face went from confused to focused to horrified.

"He made that doctors find a cure and killed them, kept the cure for himself until a perfect moment appeared and then used it in the most crazy way possible by wasting it. He knew that Felix would go on that cliff when he told him.

He also knew that we were there already, prepared for Chan to throw the cure away. Now only luck helped him that Felix didn't pick up his phone when Chan called. And since his wife would die without a cure and that is because of his best friends and future Kings, Heejoon knew Felix would revenge her." Still up until now I didn't know what was the point of his words.

Felix's wife still died but there was no war. Why? Everyone else was asking themselves the same question. Seungmin smiled a little and looked at Mingi.

"Because Mingi was born. Felix would never let his son grow up in the war. And neither would Mina."

Everyone turned to Mingi who was now standing by my side with his mouth wide open from the realisation. "So what you're saying is..." Changbin continued for Seungmin. "... Mingi saved the whole Land and everyone here with his birth?"

Seungmin excitedly nodded and clapped with his hands. Slowly, everyone understood what the King was trying to say and everyone grew a smile on their faces. Only Felix held a guilty expression.

He slowly stepped to us with Changbin no longer blocking his way. He looked up at the prince because he was taller than his father. Felix sighed and put his hands on Mingi's shoulders. "You... I love you. You didn't forget... did you?"

I held my breath as I carefully watched Mingi's face. He was serious in the beginning but then his face turned into one big smile where his eyes dissapeared. He nodded. "I would never. I love you too."

And they hugged. It was a very heart-warming scene to see and I almost melted from the family love they ratiated in that moment. When they pulled away, Feix turned to me. That immeditaelly alarmed me and I tried to straighten my back, having somehow scared expression on my face.

But the King wasn't looking at me with anger or disgust. Instead, he smiled at me soflty and then turned back to his son. "She's the one. Don't lose her like I lost your mother."

Mingi smiled at him and then at me. I turned around to see my siblings and the rest of princes cheering us on. I smiled and a single happy tear rolled down my cheek when I felt his arms wrapping around me from behind.

"Well, his role in the story fits him well. He became the saviour of his own kingdom even before he was born. What can we say? A blessing in disguise." Hyunjin chuckled from behind us while Migni gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.

And I knew everything will be alright.

Ahhhh, one final chapter left. I'm so excited to finish this book because it was hella long to write but at the same time, I don't want it all to end.😥

Stay safe, love ya!❤

The Royals / ATEEZ Mingi ffDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora