61 ● Nice Seeing You Too... ? ● 61

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My day off. The day before the final fight in our first round. What would people be doing in my position? They would probably be training since early morning, turn off or forget all the distractions. They would only take breaks when hungry or thirsty. They would train till their arms would fall off.

But I'm not gonna train so hard today. I know I'm good fighter, the best from my siblings actually. I'm not hungry even tho it's 11 AM already. And I'm still lying in my bed, trying to ignore the constant knocing on my door.

"Y/N, I know you're in there. Can we please just talk?" Yunho's voice could be heard coming from behind the door. I rolled my eyes and burried myself in the covers of my bed even more.

"I'm not leaving until you open this door." He said once again, sounding serious. Fine by me.

Suddenly, the rattle of my lock could be heard as my eyes widened and when I sat up Yunho was already in my room along with Han who was holding a key. To my room.

I glared at the squirrel while he just stuck out his tongue. "I had enough of his knocks. My room is right next to yours, you know? Besides, you need to stop acting like a child and talk things out."

I turned my back on them as Han left the room, closing the door behind him. The other prince was still for a few minutes until he decided to move closer to me. He didn't sit on my bed, he knew his boundaries so he just stood beside it, staring out of the window just like me.

"Look, you don't have to say anything. Just listen to what I have to say." When he didn't get an answer from he, he sighed and started his 'explanation'.

"I don't want to argue with you or become enemies, we're friends. I know what you're thinking. Mingi was our friend, I know that. But... you haven't been so close to him as I have in past two weeks. He really has changed.

If you've looked in his eyes at least once in the beginnign of our journey, you know how his eyes look like now. He isn't the sweet, funny and free-spirited Mingi he was when we came in Tamaiti. I would love to call him my friend but he doesn't want that. He WANTS to be alone.

You have no idea how much I miss him. When he had his glow-up, I saw that we're actually very similar and became good friends, almost best. And to lose that friend... my heart shattered in pieces too. No one had a smile like him, no one made us laugh like he did.

I know what I said wasn't right but I was so deperate to show you he's not the lovable person you have him for anymore. But well, when you spoke your reasons for loving him... I wanted to get him back too."

My eyes widened at his words beause I didn't expect him to change his mind so quickly. But out of my pride, I still didn't look at him.

"I think... you have a good heart. Too good for this world. I know some people that would give up on their lovers in difficult situation like this one. People that would fall in love only with perfection. But you didn't fall in love with him just last week. And you didn't give up either. You still don't want to.

I'm sorry for everything I said to him and to you. He's not a trash, he's not the bad guy. But if he doesn't fight for your love like you do, he really doesn't deserve you."

With those words, I saw him leaving the room from the corner of my eyes. Before he could reach the door I decided to speak up and make things right on my end too.

The Royals / ATEEZ Mingi ffUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum