Ch. 14: Rap War

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All Might and Midoriya are at a doctors office running some test on Midoriya. The doctor there, Dr.Tasu, already knows about One for All, so All Might wanted to go to him to see if his suspicions were right. They've just finish doing the final test and All Might and Midoriya are sitting in the doctors room.

Midoriya: All Might you still haven't told me what is going on.

All Might: Patience Young Midoriya. I'm not a man of secrets, but I didn't want you to know why only to see if my thoughts were right.

As if on que, Dr. Tasu walks in with a clip board.

Tasu: Sorry it took so long guys. Was finalizing all we gathered. So All Might. You wanted me to see if Midoriya has a quirk.

Midoriya: Of course I do All Might. Remember I have a stockpile quirk.

All Might: Its okay Midoriya. Dr. Tasu knows about OFA. He's here to tell us if their is another thats not part of the past users inside of you.

Midoriya: But you know I was born quirkless.

Tasu: Actually kid, you weren't.

Midoriya looked at the doctor with a surprise look. What does he mean he wasn't quirkless. He found that out at the age of 4. There was no way he had a quirk within him and he didn't know it.

Tasu: Turns out the quirk was there, but it was just dormant until sometime. From what I'm looking at the numbers, before the time you took the entrance exams at UA.

All Might: Which means when I gave Young Midoriya my quirk, it activated his dormant quirk without realizing. Amazing.

Midoriya: Wait! I have a quirk. I HAVE A QUIRK THATS MINE!! What is it?!

Tasu: Calm down kid. Its like you're 4 again haha. Anyway your quirk is, how you say, an unusual one.

All Might: What do you mean?

(A/N: Alright you guys. Imma bout to get all scientific in this place!!!)

Tasu pulls out two x-rays. One is regular x-ray and the other is Midoriyas.

Tasu: You see, this is a regular body. Regular brain, nerves, muscles. The whole set. But right here is Midoriyas x-ray. Midoriya voice box nerves seem to be connected to his brain waves. The brain usually gives off different chemicals that somehow control your emotions. The main one being Serotonin.

All Might: Sero- what?

Tasu: Serotonin. Its the main brain chemical of 4 that triggers happiness. That reminds me. Midoriya. What was your childhood like?

Midoriya frowns at his question, but in order to get the full understanding of his quirk, he needed every ounce of information he can get. So he told Dr. Tasu about his childhood. About finding out he didn't have a quirk, to losing his friends, to being bullied for being quirkless, all the issues with his dad. Everything. Tasu could do nothing but frown himself.

Tasu: I'm sorry to hear that Young man, but that's probably why your quirk has been so dormant for so long.

Midoriya: What do you mean?

Tasu: You see as I said, Serotonin is the main chemical for happiness. You've been through so much for so long that you really haven't built up some of it. But now with you having friends now and on your way of being a hero, you've seem to awaken it.

All Might: But that doesn't really explains his quirk.

Tasu: I'm getting to that. You see Midoriya, because your voice box is connected with your brain and from what I heard you like to sing, you produce more Serotonin than most. The build up of enough Serotonin builds up a person's confidence.

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