Ch. 18: Moving On Pt.1

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It was the next since everyone saw everyone saw the forbidden disk. Mirio was just waking up himself. Actually, like alot of the people, he didn't get much sleep last night. The thought of the video, like everyone else, kept him up tossing and turning. Knowing the day has to start, he decided to sit up on his bed just to say he got up. All of sudden his phone began to ring. Wiping his eyes, he takes a look to see who it could be at this time. Its Tamaki. Weird. He doesn't usually call this early unless its an emergency. He picks up the phone and answers.

Mirio: Hey Tamaki. Whats up?

Tamaki: Nejires up and she on her way to your room.

Mirio: Sigh... of course she is. How long ago?

Tamaki: about 30 seconds ago.

Mirio: Okay. Seeing as this is about Izuku and she's most likely pissed. I say she should be by my room in 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.


Mirio: Right on que.

Mirio gets up and completely and walks to the door already expecting the worst. He opens the door to see Nejires eyes red with tears coming out. She had been crying all night. Thinking about if Izuku wasn't here. She felt she would be incomplete. She didn't feel in love unless he was there and him being dead made her feel sick to her stomach and made her heart ache. She just stood in the doorway with a few tears angry, looking at Mirio.

Mirio: Hey Nej-

Nejire tried to slap him, but her hand just went through his head being that he used his quirk.

Mirio: Why are you trying to hit me?


Mirio: He didn't want anyone to know Nejire.

Nejire: BUT WHY?!...(crying) why?

Mirio: *sigh* This is why. He knows that like you and everyone else, you'd react and worry about him. He didn't really want to discuss this everyone yet until he was ready, but he was gonna let everyone close to him know.

Nejire: *sniff* Is he still thinking that way?

Mirio: Far from it. He pretty much moved way on actually. He-

They both heard footsteps approaching the door way and stop. When the turned around, they see Yuyu Haya leaning over trying to catch her breath.

Yuyu: I (huff) finally (huff) caught (huff) up (huff)!!!

Nejire: Yuyu? What are you doing here? Why were you running?

Yuyu: I saw (huff) you running (huff) with tears (huff) in your eyes (huff)!!

Nejire: Sorry Yuyu. I came to talk to Mirio about Izuku.

Yuyu snapped out of her stooper and went right into curious mode.

Yuyu: Izuku?! What about him?! Is he okay?!!

Mirio: Yeah I mean... weren't you just tired from running?

Yuyu: (slight blush) Oh uh... yeah. But you know if Nejire is crying and it has something to do with Izuku then it must be important right. Hehehe.

Both Mirio and Nejire noticed her slight blush. Both took a mental note of that. Especially Nejire.

Yuyu: But seriously. Whats going on?

Mirio: Come in my room and sit. Its a long story.

So the three went in Mirios room and sat down. Mirio and Nejire ran through everything that had happen. The CDs being found, the gym get together, all the way to the forbidden disk. Yuyu was crying when they got to that part. Mirio and Nejire assumed is because she just cared for him somewhat, but those feeling ran much deeper than that. She wiped her eyes and tried to gain her composure.

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