Ch 6: Family

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The gym was in an uproar! Majority of the teachers were confused on what just happened. Guys were either jealous or proud. The girls however didn't feel all that good. A hand full of the girls, mainly 1A, were surrounding Nejire with quirk ready to go.

Mina: (acid leaking from hand) so how close are you and Midori NEJIRE!?

Jiro: (Ear jacks perked up) and don't lie...

Momo: (creates a 9mm...wait WTF) because we'll know

Ochako: (brewing anger with fist in hand) and we'll...

Tsuyu: (angry croak) stop you!

Nejire: (frantically waving her hand trying not to shoot off her quirk)
WaitWaitWait!! It was an accident! I was caught up in the moment!! (lying her ass off. It was intentional)

All of this going, Inko had passed out from a child claiming her son to be a dad. She wanted to be a grandma, but didn't expect it so soon.

Mirio jumped in between all the girls and Nejire and said...

Mirio: Woah woah woah ladies! Take it easy! Nejire is just very expressive. Like she said she got caught in the moment. It happens alot with her.

All the girls narrowerd their eyes at Mirio until they all gave fine and walked back to their seats, Ochako gave Nejire an "I'm watching you hand motion" while walking aways. Nejire sighed heavy and thanked Mirio, but he was gonna give her a teasing later.

Todoroki: Okay that sorta explains her part, but what about Midoriya being a dad?

Mirio: Hehehe I can explain. You see...


Aizawa was watching over Eri's door in the hospital. She was still shaken up about the whole ordeal with Overhaul and facing a little trauma here and there. He felt bad that she had to go through so much torture for so long. So much suffering and so young. It really pissed him off. He looked up as he heard footsteps approaching him. It was his green hair problem child and the blond hair Big 3 member. Both bandaged up

Aizawa: Midoriya. Mirio. What are you two doing here? You should be resting.

Midoriya: I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa, but I can't rest until I know for sure Eri is truly okay. (Mirio nodded in agreement)

Aizawa: She's fine. You guys don't need to worry. Go back to your rooms.

Midoriya: I can't!

Midoriya was there in the hallway with his head down, tears about to pour out as he was holding back. After, the whole ordeal, he felt really attached to her and he didn't know why. Something was telling him he need to protect her forever.

Midoriya: Before we began the mission to save her, I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't focus. I felt like I let her down by not saving her at that moment. She was scared and I couldn't do anything. If could've went back in time I would've saved her then and there, no matter the cost. Mr. Aizawa... I need this.

Mirio: Thats true for both of sir. Please. We need this. Not just for her sake, but also for ours.

Aizawa looked at them without changing facial expression, but inside he can feel the regret dispare they were feeling.

Aizawa: Fine. Go ahead, but don't be too long. She still traumatized from this whole ordeal.

Midoriya and Mirio nodded. As they walk inside they see a little girl with a horn on her head resting. The squeak of the store woke her up from her slumber as she opened her eyes. She jumps and panics as thinks she's in danger again. At this sight, Midoriya runs over to her and holds her tight.

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