Chapter 28

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Everything between them seemed to go back to the way it was, the effort mostly was from Jimin's side whereas Jungkook pretended to be okay with his lover being married to someone else but deep inside he was still hurt. They continued their after work hangouts, small conversation via texts, mostly Jimin would buzz the younger first.

At first, the younger tried his best to get rid of Jimin's thoughts, which seemed impossible, so then he tried to distant himself, which did not work either and lastly he decided to fake being okay with the whole situation but only to stay as friends, nothing more, yet guess what? This decision of Jungkook did not work as well. How could any of the ideas work when Jimin continuously was trying his best to ensure he still had his Kookie's full attention by doing occasional flirting, teasing and nagging, even after getting married. None of them were over with each other - that was for sure. At least Jungkook was trying, but Jimin would not let him forget himself.

They made out once, while watching movie in the theatre, it was two weeks after their visit to the fair. Going to the movie theatre was their secret code for make out session. Jimin at first seemed to hesitate a bit but as Jungkook played with his tongue to tease him, the older surrendered himself to the warmth of his lover. However, Jimin looked lost in deep thoughts after coming out of the movie theatre, the younger asked many times if anything was wrong but he nodded his head only to say "No" every time.

One thing Jungkook was sure of Jimin, that the older was very much possessive towards him yet from time to time, Jimin behaved weirdly too, like something was holding him back, maybe it was his marriage. All of these would make Jungkook very confused of what really Jimin wanted from him, it felt like the older wanted him but at the same time, he did not want him the way he used to before.

One fine afternoon, Jungkook was working on his workstation calmly when a known face approached him after so long.

"Hi, Jungkook. You must have forgotten that I exist." Rossie from Finance Department came to his desk wearing a long sleeved high-neck, her orange hair tied in a bun.

"Ohh, hey, Rossie. No, I have not. It's just that last two months have been very rough for me both work and personal stuffs, also I went to Japan, so I could not catch up with you." Even though Jungkook was surprised to see her all on a sudden but he managed to keep a calm face afterwards.

"Yes, I have heard you went to Japan. I came looking for you last month and Jimin told me you are out of the country. So, how was it?" She asked excitedly.

"Well, it was a nice trip with both good and bad experiences but ....." Jungkook was cut off by her "Wa...wa..wait. I want to listen to every single detail of your trip. So, let's catch up this weekend. To be honest, I came here to ask you if you wanna go with me to watch the football match, FC Seoul will be playing against Ulsan Hyundai FC. I have free tickets, so if you are okay we can go. It will be fun." She was eagerly waiting for Jungkook to reply but he took a moment to answer, "Ummm...Jimin hyung loves to watch football matches too. So, if you don't mind, three of us can go together."

Even though she did not like the idea but she agreed, "Sure, I can manage one more ticket then."

"Thanks, Rossie. See you then on Sunday." A gentle smile appeared on his face bidding her goodbye and thinking at the same time, he could be able to spend some time with Jimin again alone after the match.

"Okay. Jungkookie, looking forward to seeing you." With a shy smile on her face, she left like she just confirmed a date with her boyfriend.


Next day, early in the morning, as part of Jimin's habit, he went to greet the younger morning and also to see the puffy morning face of his lover, a fresh look that was what he loved to stare at. "Hey, morning, my Kookliet."

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