Chapter 13

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"You got tanned. Where have you been to on vacation?" Hobi asked.
"Hyung, I told you before I left for vacation. I went on a family trip in Bali." Jungkook was trying hard not to get annoyed with Hobi and Jin. Whereas they were just curious about his trip.
"Ohh, I remember, you told us. Beaches are really nice there. I have been there once. So romantic." Jin added.
Jungkook gulped his anger. He did not want to be reminded of Bali anymore because that hurt him. He pretended to be normal and happy at the office but he was devastated inside. Moreover, it had not been a day since they had arrived from Bali.
"Ohh, our Jiminie got tanned in this vacation too." Hobi said in wonder.
Jimin peaked from his desk and went to join their conversation and also to save bunny from his pain.
"I heard my name. Are you guys bitching about me?" He smirked.
"Yes, Jimin went beach and got tanned." Jin laughed.
"You got a bit tanned, Jiminie." Hobi replied.
"Yes a bit. I did not want to go but my mom forced me go with them. We had a good family trip in one of the Busan beaches."
"Ohh, you have been to home." Hobi exclaimed.
"Yes, hyung. How was your vacation? Ohh Kookie, how are you?" Jimin's tone became weak uttering the last sentence.
"I am fine and I need to go. I have some work." He got up and almost ran towards the washroom. He locked the door and cried hard covering his face and was trying not to make any sound. He was already sick of pretending that there was nothing between them, calling Jimin hyung and staying apart.
Jimin got worried but tried to keep himself calm. If he would ran after him, other would know there was something wrong. So he returned to his own desk. Jungkook came back after a while. Jimin went to check on him.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Jimin's eyes got a bit teary knowing that his bunny was not okay.
"Yes, fine, hyung. Please let me work. I have already wasted so much time since morning. See you during lunch time." Jungkook said all that keeping his eyes on his computer screen. Jimin left without further discussion.
Even though Jungkook acted all that tough outside, he was the weakest among them. Those days after Bali trip, when he used to return to home, he did not talk to anyone, rather would go straight to him room and locking the door, he cried lying on the floor. When he was alone he cried the most, he was trying so hard to stay strong and not to recall any of the Bali incidents. Unfortunately, those were the thoughts that haunted him all day long. It was not that he did not want to think about those moments but it caused him immense pain. He also replayed in his mind what Jimin told him about getting married soon to someone else and they had to go separate ways. Jimin did not want it - that thought was killing him everyday. He questioned himself many times - after all that how could Jimin not want our relationship to have a name? That made him feel angry at Jimin, disappointed at himself for allowing Jimin to come close to him and frustrated on thinking about his future without his lover. What should he do? How should he handle that mess and his pain. He could not even talk about that with anyone. He kept everything inside and was slowly getting weak physically.
One week passed by since they have returned. Jungkook used to go straight home after office and Jimin did not try to stop him. On Monday, before office hour ended, Jimin went to Jungkook's desk.
"What are you doing?" Jimin looked lost in Jungkook's stares.
"Wrapping up. I am heading towards home now." Jungkook acted normal but Jimin knew how his bunny felt.
"Let's go somewhere." Jimin offered.
"Anywhere you want. Let's sit somewhere and talk and eat just like we used to do."
"Okay, you go and grab your bag." Jungkook wanted to say no but deep inside he was dying to be with him alone. They had not talked properly yet.
Jimin rushed to pack his backpack and went to see Jungkook.
They went to their favourite restaurant as always. There was silence between them. Jungkook kept a stern face and wasn't talking much unless it was absolutely necessary. Jimin was trying to make a conversation.
"Kookie, don't you eat and sleep well? You look pale and sick."
"I do." Jungkook answered while eating. Even though he was eating, he seemed not to be interested in food like he used to be.
"Please eat well." Jimin begged with soft look at his bunny.
"For me, please, Kookie. It hurts me seeing you like this."
"I cannot help it. It hurts me too, Jimin. I am trying. I hope everything is going well with you."
"Yes, I am doing fine. But I don't know why everyday around 5 in the morning I woke up from sleep and can't fall back to sleep and keep thinking about you . Sometimes I so want to hold you tightly."
"I am having a hard time falling asleep but even though I sleep for some hours, something disrupts my sleep at 5 in the morning too and all those Bali memories float in front my eyes. I can't sleep and eat. I sort of lost my appetite and feel like to throw up all the time."
"I can see that. You lost weight. Will you not listen to me? Please at least eat well. You don't have to be distant. I will always love you, you know that."
"I know but pretending in front of others is also killing me. Do you know, our boss suspected that we travelled together and he didn't like it."
"I heard it from Jin hyung. Ignore them, Kookie." Jimin sighed and then added, "I missed you so much."
"Sometimes I feel I shouldn't have gone with you. That was a mistake." Jungkook ignored Jimin's affection.
"What? You think that trip was mistake!" Jimin held Jungkook's hand tightly
"Yes, because I feel guilty lying about it to my family and colleagues. I regret getting close to you and I regret loving you." Warm water rolling down Jungkook's face, he did not mean a thing he just said but he was angry with Jimin for letting him go. Jungkook moved his hand from Jimin grip.
"You regret all that, Kookie!" Jimin was in utter shock.
"Minie, it's killing me. I can't live like this. Why does it hurt so much? Why do I feel like you may have betrayed me?" Jungkook looked down and rested his head on his own hands.
"Kookie, those were the most precious memories to me. Even if I try, I cannot forget them. And I can never forget you." Jimin brushed Jungkook's hair.
Jungkook looked and wiped his face and started to drink his smoothie.
"Want to try mine? It's strawberry." Jimin forward his smoothie.
"Minie, we both ordered strawberry smoothie. Why do I need to taste yours?" Jungkook weakly asked.
"Because I want you to touch my straw with those precious thin lips and so that I can get to taste you in my mouth." Jimin was lost looking at Jungkook's soft pale face.
"Jiminshi." Jungkook smiled for real after so many days and then he took a sip from Jimin's smoothie.
"You still got a love mark on your neck." Jimin pointed.
"Yes, I know. I see it everyday after shower."
"I wish I could get lost with you somewhere again."
"Hmm. Me too."
They were walking on their way back home. Jimin held Jungkook's hand and Jungkook tightened his grip. Suddenly Jimin stopped and standing on his toes, he pressed his lips softly on Jungkook's. Jungkook felt Jimin's hot breath on his skin and then he breathe Jimin's sweet scent in.
"I love you so much, Bunny."
Jungkook smiled and gave a brief hug.
Jimin returned home after walking Jungkook home and texted Jungkook right away.
Baby, I got home. - JM
- Ok, take rest.
- Please eat something before you sleep.
- Ok. Will you not eat anything?
- I will on one condition. My bunny has to eat too.
- Okay, Minie, I will.
- Do you know a thing?
- Even though you looked sick today, you still looked so handsome.
- Maybe to you only.
- Nope, you are born handsome. Nobody knows that my Kookie is damn hot except me.
- Jimishi. (Jungkook blushed)
- I am calling you.
- Wait. (Before Jungkook could finsih, Jimin called him.)
Jungkook received the call.
- What are you doing?
- I was talking to a crazy man.
- What's his name?
- Jiminshi. (Jungkook laughed hard.)
- Yes, your Jiminshi is crazy. He is crazy for you.
They kept talking over phone all night while having dinner, getting ready for bed and lying on bed.
No matter how much they were trying to stay away from each other, their affection and feelings were pulling them even closer.

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