Chapter 12

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There had been friendship, intimacy, affection but only thing had been stopping them to become a complete one soul, was physical intimacy. After their intimate moments their bonding became stronger, they looked like soulmates.
Things were going perfect for them and to be exact, they were perfect for each other. There was no argument but only good understanding between them and they would even know what was going on in their minds just by looking at each other's eyes. True love was like that. They had almost forgotten about their reality, families and office, they were living in their dreamland. They were clinging to each other all the time, talking, eating and taking shower together.
After date night, they had only three more days left to enjoy their togetherness. Both knew things were going to be different when they would go back to Korea. Yet they were trying to enjoy the little time they had left.
Jimin was still very much enjoying gaining Jungkook's love but no matter how much Jungkook tried, the reality he would have to face in future was killing him deep inside because he was an over-thinker. Thus, after date night, Jungkook would start to cry and feel nausea in the street, hotel and car. Jungkook would not have to utter a word, just tears rolled down his cheeks and he wiped it with his sleeves and Jimin just by looking at him would know why his bunny was crying. Jimin never cried much in his life because he stored all his pain in himself and would not let anyone know about it. So, whenever Jungkook cried in the street or on the car, he would simply hugged him tightly without uttering a word and when in the bedroom, he would wipe off his tears and had sex with him just to forget the pain for a while. Jungkook and Jimin were trying hard not to talk about what would happen when they go back to normal life and what would be their future rather they tried to enjoy the moment except the times they could not control their feelings.
Last three days, they went to the city, did a lot of shopping, watched movie, visited museum and tried different types street food and new cuisines. They were not tired of each other.
Their last night in Bali, holding hands, they were singing to each other while watching the night sky, full of stars, on the hotel terrace. There was beautiful breeze with a beautiful full moon in the sky, a perfect romantic view for lovers. Jungkook suddenly sat on Jimin's lap and wrapped his arm around his neck, and Jimin kissed on Kookie's chest.
"Hmm?" Jimin replied while smelling Jungkook's chest.
"Does it hurt? Shall I get off you?"
"No, stay here like this, Kookie." Jimin closing his eyes feeling every bit of Jungkook's presence.
"Minie?" Taking a pause, " This is our last night together. Tomorrow in the morning we are going back. Tomorrow at night you will sleep on your own bed and I will sleep on my bed alone. You won't be beside me anymore. I will miss." Jungkook stopped suddenly. Warm water fell on Jimin's hand right from Jungkook's eyes.
"Kookie, how do I put this into words? I am so used to you now that I don't know how I am going to sleep without you anymore. Falling asleep holding you was one of the best feelings. But I am happy at least I would get to see you everyday in the office."
"Hmm and we have to act like just colleagues in front of other."
Jimin kept silent because that pain they were feeling couldn't be removed by any other way.
"Sing me another song, will you?" Jungkook requested.
"Okay, let's go to room first, then I will sing to my bunny."
"It feels nice here. I haven't told you a thing thT last two days I felt suffocated in the room. So in open space I feel better." Jungkook replied.
"Okay, last song after that we will go to room."
"I know why you want to go to room." Jungkook smiled.
"Why?" Jimin felt shy.
"To make love." Jungkook rubbed Jimin's cheek.
"I want to hold you tightly in our room not here." Saying that Jimin sang a love song to Jungkook.
Then in the room, they made love as always. After sex, Jimin fell asleep right away but Jungkook kept staring at the night sky through the window. He could not sleep as the night darkened he felt more suffocated thinking about them, he was almost out of breath and felt an impossibly strong pain in his chest.
"Minie. Minie. Baby." Jungkook pushed lightly to wake Jimin up who was in deep sleep turning his back to Jungkook.
"Hmm, what? You okay, baby?" Jimin turned to Jungkook and held him.
"Yes, I am fine. Just keep on holding me all night. Don't turn to other side. I am scared and nothing feels okay." Jungkook silently was crying.
"I am here, Kookie, still with you. Try to sleep or you will feel weak tomorrow." Jimin kissed on his cheek and tightened his hug.
In the morning, very little sunlight entered their room, Jungkook turning his back to Jimin was half asleep and Jimin came closer to Jungkook to hold him again. He slowly started to rub Jungkook's belly and then moved his hand down to his penis and rubbed it and lightly squeezed. Jungkook felt Jimin's soft hand and he shivered. He turned his head slightly to let Jimin kiss him. Jimin softly was kissing him while struggling to put his finger inside Jungkook's bottom. Jungkook's eyes became red and full of tears all of a sudden with thousands of question whirling in his mind.
"Why don't you wanna try for us, Minie? We could be together only if you wanted to." Jungkook finally outburst his pain into words. Jungkook was afraid to start their relationship at first but after all that moments he wanted to face the truth and accept it but he needed Jimin's assurance.
"Kookie, you know how hard it will be for both of us. No one will accept it. How can we try? But it doesn't mean my love will end for you."
Jungkook threw Jimin's hand away from his waist and threw twice more when Jimin tried to hold him again. Then in anger and pain, Jungkook started to put on his boxer and seeing that Jimin understood he didn't want morning sex.
"Let's go and have some breakfast." Saying that Jimin wore his tshirt. Jungkook still did not reply, he was looking away.
"Wake up, Jungkook. I am going to get freshen up."
Jungkook stopped Jimin from going to washroom by grabbing his hand.
"What?" Jimin with teary eyes asked.
"Come here and kiss me." Jungkook said while whining like a baby.
"Listen Kookie, I don't want you to think that I only want to have sex with you which is why when you threw my hand away I thought you didn't want it. So I was letting you be."
"Kiss me on my neck."  Jungkook ordered.
Jimin hesitated but then he bent over to kiss him and said, "Don't push me away, Kookie. You know I love you so much."
Thinking it was their last morning sex, they did it passionately and were moaning frequently.
At the breakfast table, Jungkook could not eat much since he felt nausea and breath shortage. Jimin was trying to feed him. Jimin pushed two spoons of porridge in Kookie's mouth but after that Jungkook refused to take anymore.
Since they had one more hour in hand until their taxi arrived, they went to room and packed their luggage. Suddenly, Jungkook ran to washroom and threw up. Jimin went to check on him and found him very weak that he could not even stand. He held him by his hand and sat him on the bed to rest after he drank some water. Heart break was making him weak day by day and he was falling sick. After finished packing, Jimin sat beside Kookie and brushed his hair.
"Do you feel better now? You did not even eat properly and also did not sleep well."
Jungkook sat up and pulled Jimin to sat on his lap. He held him tightly resting his head on Jimin's chest. He is crying so much, "Jiminshi, why it hurts so much? I want it to stop. I want you to be mine forever. I want to hold you forever. You are mine. Mine only."
Jimin cupping his cheeks started to sob, "Kookie, think that these last 7 days were 70 years for us. We lived these 70 years together and enjoyed to the fullest. I will try to live happily with these beautiful memories I had with you. My love for you is eternal, it will never die."
"It hurts to breath, Jimin. I don't know what to do. I am not as strong as you are."
"I know we have to go separate ways after sometime. Maybe it will be better if one of us gets married soon, then, maybe it will lessen the pain. However, don't cry we will get to see each other in the office tomorrow."
"Marrying someone else? I don't think I can do this anymore. I can't even love anyone else." Jungkook cried harder.
"I am trying hard to stay strong for you but it hurts me to see you cry, Kookie. Everything will be fine, you will see."
They cried for a while holding each other. Jungkook fell asleep in the taxi on their way to airport and Jimin softly touched his cheek.
At the airport, holding a juice Jimin just bought him, Jungkook was resting his head on Jimin's shoulder and waiting for boarding announcement. They were waiting, waiting to see the future, where it was going to take them. They kept thinking was it the end of their love? Was it that easy to remove someone from your life especially when you are deeply in love with him?

Picture credit: to the owner of the fanarts. Found on internet.

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