"Yes, Lin!" Kya cheered, planting a brief kiss on Lin's cheek. Lin blushed looking to the other woman, who had quickly engaged the avatar in exchanging profanities and gestures.

"Look out, Avatar," Kya warned, "I've been playing this since before you were born."

"And I've been playing this for multiple lifetimes."

"And it still won't be enough. Throw again, Lin." Kya said, smirking at Korra's loose tongue. Lin did as she was told, tossing her second ball into the middle left cup. Asami attempted to blow it out, but her intoxicated efforts were outlasted by her light-headedness.

"Lin!" Kya beamed, "you are unstoppable." Lin shrugged.

"Its not that hard."  Korra pouted at the other end, so Lin sacrificed her next ball, just to humor the avatar. Korra threw her ball, bouncing it in the center and it swirled around the edge of the cup. Kya jumped in, leaning down to blow it out. Lin tried to ignore Kya's rear pressed against her abdomen in this uncanny position, taking a step back, and looking around to make sure no one noticed the hint of color on her cheeks.

"Damn it!" Korra yelled when the ball fell out of the cup. Kya brushed her hands together, proud of her handiwork.

"Haha, I told you." Kya teased and Korra frowned.

"Just finish it," Korra pouted, "This is a stupid game anyway." Kya laughed, picking up the balls, and rearing her arm in preparation.

"If you say so." It didn't take long for Kya to expertly land her balls in the cups, finishing the game just as quickly as it had started.

"Face me in fifty years, Korra, we'll re match." Korra stuck her tongue out and Asami laughed, shaking hands with Kya. Lin stepped forward, standing behind Kya, who turned and looked at her thoughtfully.

"What?" Lin asked, picking up one of the cups from the table, taking a drink.

"You play a mean game, Beifong," Kya said. Lin shuddered at the use of her last name.. the way Kya had said it made it sound so... intoxicating.

"Well, I've been practicing." Lin joked and Kya placed a hand on Lin's chest.

"I need to get a sweater, and change out of these shoes, my leg is killing me. Would you mind escorting a poor, old soul like me upstairs?" Lin scoffed.

"If you start calling yourself old, that means I have to, too, so please, be less modest." Kya smiled at Lin's words, running her tongue over her lips.

"Well then, do you mind escorting me upstairs?" Lin raised her eyebrows, suddenly aware of her insinuation. She looked at everyone, Korra was snoring loudly on the grass, Asami attempting to drag her inside. Suyin was curled comfortable in her chair, staring blankly into the flames. Tenzin and Pema had turned in an hour ago and Bumi.. well he must have been entertaining the boys. Lin brought her gaze from the field back to Kya, looking her up and down, and deciding, that she did indeed want to go upstairs with her.

"Lead the way." She said, and Kya pulled her toward the temple.

Lin grinned as Kya pulled her up the stairs, evidently her foot was no longer a problem. She hadnt felt like this in a while, like a horny teenager at some house party, taking advantage of the hospitality. Kya giggled the whole way up, both of them nearly falling as the effects of the alcohol sank in. Kya dragged her into a room, pushing the door shut behind them.

"Well?" Kya asked, looking at Lin.

"I don't remember this beginning with a conversation." Lin remarked. Kya shook her head, holding back a smile. The water bender placed her hands on either of Lin's shoulders, leaning in for a kiss. It was gentle, first, and  Lin ran her tongue over her lips, the taste of Kya's chapstick lingering. Kya watched as Lin figured it out, shed never done this before, not with a girl.... but here she was, trying it out. Perhaps it was the alcohol taking control, but Lin gripped Kya's face with her hands, starting a more aggressive kiss. Kya's hands found their way to Lin's hips, gripping at the steel armor.

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