The door open exposing the hundreds of weapons and devices powerful enough to wipe out the whole town, probably the city. The amazement grew in his eyes whereas the excitement grew for the others.

Blake is in his natural habit but I know he gets a kick about using my belongings but, I weaken his masculinity on a daily basis so we're equal.

We each return to the main room. Brooke grins at the screen obviously enjoying whatever she's up to. I believe that her ability of technology and software is just as deadly as what we do, she can do serious damage.

Everyone split off to their sections. "What's the run down on everyone?" Grayson asks.

I point "Vanessa" she's currently warming up "Don't touch her unless you want broken ribs and a murderous Axel" She threw one punch as I spoke, it made my point even more clear.

"Blake. He may seem like the clown but he can be he's very tactical. Nothing is off limits or ever locked, that kid can unlock and get into everything" He seems genuinely surprised at me singing his praises. Two full rounds of shots go off sounding the whole room, two blood thirsty men that are responsible.

"Axel is self-explanatory and as for my Dad. If you mess with either of them you won't come out in the best state"

He doesn't ask about my Mum as she displayed some of her abilities earlier. "Brooke really just sits on behind a computer?"

I shake my head with a smirk "Hey Brooke, three men top right corner" I shout.

She doesn't take her eyes off the screen but she reaches for the blades of the desk. She throws them one after another at rapid speed almost at my pace. They hit the target fairly close to perfect.

"Woah" Grayson chuckles. I turn to look amused by his surprise.

Since we went through everyone I figure it's about time he shows his true ability considering he fought like an infant against me.

"Show me what you've got. Jock" I smirk whispering in Grayson's ear, I could practically hear the annoyance through his breath but I carried on enjoying the feel of annoying him.

Brooke typing and coding was making me light headed but I could make slight sense of what she was doing. The last few days I made sure Tyler's Dad's car was being tracked but he seems to be doing a good enough job at hiding his out of work interests.

The sound of the door opening snapped me away from the frame by frame photos Brooke and Taylor managed to salvage from the Casino, club and the school which I thought was impossible, but like I said they hold extreme power.

Four guns point to the door immediately.

"Hold your fire" A smug voice calmly says; the mystery man is quickly identified. Everyone rolled their eyes and continued.

"I should let them shoot you considering your tardiness"

"Oh, come on gorgeous, you know you'd miss me too much to kill" I shake my head at the hopeless flirt Baxter is.

I clap my hand commanding him "Out back. Let's go, stop wasting time"

He holds his hands in surrender "I know where I'm going" he leans back to whisper in my ear "besides, I don't think your boyfriends a big fan of me especially when you give me the dreamy eyes" I smack his arm making the message clear, MOVE!

As Baxter predicted Grayson was in fact bothered. The grip on his gun was so firm he could have a chance of crushing it.

The sound of a gun cocking travels the room. This guy seriously has to make a dramatic entrance every time, doesn't he?

Baxter's signature aggressive glow comes out. He's a playful puppy when it comes to danger yet, he is one of the calmest people I've ever known under pressure. I believe it has something to do with being exposed to this world for so long and handling the abuse from his Dad, Baxter is one hell of a fighter; mentally and physically.

He takes the target next to Grayson. Cracking his neck and lining up he shoots. He may have stepped away from this life but it definitely didn't step away from him. A perfect round.

"Feels good to be back" he smirks still admiring his work.

The rest of the room smiles with him, even Grayson smiles a little. "Welcome home buddy" Blake nudges him.

It fuelled Grayson to concentrate more. The sheer annoyance and need to prove himself took over. It didn't do him any harm, the motivation made him more accurate and to me, desirable. Grayson doesn't exactly favour Baxter but he flipped a switch.


Time escaped us and we had lost hours. We only knew how long we'd been there from our stomach's and by that, I mean Blake and Vanessa. That's on the list of many things that bugs him, complaints about food. Vanessa gets away with it, but Blake not so much.

"Can we get rid of the frosty atmosphere in this car please?"

Grayson glared at me as if he was lost "You're annoyed I didn't tell you Baxter was coming and that he had a hand print ID I get it but, I'm bored of the Baxter arguments"

The silence made the tension grow "Now you mention it, that was annoying but I'm more annoyed that you just missed the drive thru"

As far as preventing an argument he did a solid job "I understand the situation. Plus, I am your boyfriend he's merely a colleague"

I side glance him, I feel his hand slide up my thigh making me grow frustrated, in a way I'm not normally "Or am I wrong?" his voice was seductive and verging on cruel

I push his face away with my index finger on his cheek, I could feel his breath on my neck it was torturous "Behave, lover boy, before I crash the car"

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