Chap 44: Grant giving Alex the news & Conrad having a minor attack.

Start from the beginning

"Grant CJ just tell me that the latest update on your daughter Clara-belle in the hospital isn't so bad she can still have children after this accident my friend some women it would have been the final time getting pregnant but not for Clara-belle so at least that's great right thank God."

Richard told his friend with a smile and they both cheers and drink to that.

"Yes thank God!."

Grant exclaim as he drinks his champagne.

Finally, they arrive at the Montoya family mansion the chauffeur park the white stretch limousine in the Montoya's huge driveway, and he opens the doors for Richard and Grant and they both step out of the limo and walk to a huge mahogany wood double doors on the huge front porch of their stately home however Richard ring the doorbell three times and just before Grant ring the bell a fourth time and the door was open by a man wearing a grey scissors tail jacket suit...

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, and may I ask who you are?."  The man asks...

Richard assumes he was the butler for the Montoya family.

"Good day, to you too," and I am Richard Wallace the Multi-millionaire of New York City, " and this is my very good friend Grant Taylor the Wealthiest CEO in NYC and founder and owner of six of the greatest five stars hotel chains global including NYC, and he is also the father of Mr. Alex Montoya Ex-fiancee' Clara-belle too we are here on a very important mission to see both Mr. Alex and Conrad Montoya too, we have no time to waste, please invite us inside or call your boss to see us thank you."

Richard introduces himself and Grant to the butler and after telling the butler to call his boss to see them or invite them inside however he chose to call Conrad instead...

After a few minutes and Conrad was now standing at the front door and he saw the visitors...

"Gregory!" why didn't you invite our visitors inside do you know who these two men are you fool?!" these two men are the richest and most well-known in the city of New York, and you leave them outside Gregory?."

Conrad tells the butler as he explains to him who Grant and Richard were.

"Please come on in gentlemen," and, please have a seat after leading both Grant and Richard to a fancy room which seems like the drawing /family room the rest of his family was also seated inside that room too Alex and Adelaide were sitting inside the room too and Conrad takes a seat beside his wife on the red velvet corner sofa while Richard and Grant take their seats on the three-piece suite  Richard and Grant introduce themselves to Adelaide and Alex and they both told them why they were there...

"Well, we are both here to give Alex some bad news," and right now my daughter Clara-belle is currently in the New York general hospital because she fell down the stairs at her mansion in Manhattan and she lost the pregnancy but before the incident, she has been depressed deeply it was mostly because of how you treated her when she was here and you Alex as her fiance' couldn't even defend her, so I hold you responsible if anything major is wrong with Clara-belle and young man listen and listen good, I don't say things I don't mean I only say what I mean and by holding you responsible it means I can get you lock up in prison so just pray to God nothing major isn't wrong with her or else you're going to regret ever touching my daughter!."

Grant tells Alex and his parents as the memories got him very angry and he shouted telling Alex to listen and listen well because he doesn't say things he doesn't mean...

"That is very much true Mr. Montoya, so let's hope Clara-belle is OK  after another day and night in the hospital."

Richard tells Alex that Grant is telling the truth.

"I  am sorry, that Clara lost the pregnancy, tell her to get well soon and tell her  I am sorry about the miscarriage too." 

Alex tells both Richard and Grant with a sad expression on his face.

Soon after and Grant and Richard were ready to go back to their hotel now however just as they got up from the three-piece suite over on the next side of the room on the velvet corner sofa Conrad was clutching for his heart then Grant and Adelaide saw and Grant rush over to help him his breathing got a little shallow so Grant and Alex bring him outside and they lay him inside the back of Alex Mercedes-Benz and he drives Conrad to the hospital while back at home his mother was crying because she fears it was a major heart attack or even a major stroke... 

Grant and Richard were now on their way back to their hotel once again Wallace's private jet should be ready for them in the morning...





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